Wednesday, February 22, 2012

can I get an [aloha] please!

I know, the suspense is killing you! What is this very, very exciting new step in our journey?! 
drum roll please......
Derek and I are....Wait!  I can't just spring this news on you, dear readers!  What kind of writer would that make me!?
You must experience it just like we did::  
As Derek and I walked into the Christmas Eve candlelight service at church, we immediately felt five pairs of eyes lock onto us!  Some of Derek's family was in a little huddle on the other side of the room, and their eyes were glued on.. US!?  We made our way over to them, only to be told 'We've gotta talk...' and promptly whisked off to the kitchen.  At this point there's some interference and I was separated from the pack!  I made a valid attempt at polite conversation with said interference, but I must admit I was fairly distracted as I see the conversation beginning without me!  I watch as Derek's curious expression turns to disbelief which, after a bit more enlightening, transforms into a huge grin!  And, need I mention, I am about to lose my mind!?  I was able to manage a fairly smooth exit from the current conversation and rejoined the pack as they were exiting the kitchen.  I'm telling Derek, in no uncertain terms, to start spilling the beans when they announce that the service is starting and everyone needs to come in and take a seat!  In the seven steps it takes to get to the sanctuary Derek gives me the short-sweet version::  His cousin owns six acres of coffee trees in Hawaii and would like us to live over there and manage it! and then Derek's moving in to take a seat!!  Okay, so his version was pretty sweet, but WAY to short for my taste!  I needed details! And I managed to get a few out of him, amidst the singing of Christmas carols and the lighting of our candles.  But he really didn't know enough to elaborate.  
After church we went to his Uncle and Aunt's house for eggnog and as soon as his cousin walked in we pounced!  We didn't understand how or why this idea was being presented to us, but after more discussion we realized they were totally serious!  They didn't have the time to maintain it, and the people they'd left in charge had taken advantage of them.  So, they needed someone they trust to go over and reclaim the land, and they thought we'd be the perfect fit!  
We spent all of Christmas break mulling it over.  We were ecstatic!  We couldn't believe it was for real.  Every free moment of the next week was spent on the internet; reading about Hawaii, watching you-tube videos on coffee plantations, listening to ukulele music on Pandora :)  At any given moment Derek and I would look at each other, know the other one was thinking something Hawaii related and just break into a huge smile!  The idea completely took over and started blooming in our minds!  We prayed, we talked to family members, we prayed some more... and the excitement just kept growing!  We kept saying things like 'Yes, it's crazy... but wouldn't it be crazy NOT to do this?!'  and  'Honestly, how many people are presented with an opportunity like this?!?!' 
The next weekend we met with Derek's cousin again to hash out more details.  We found out we'd be living in a green house without running water and that the jungle would be our bathroom.  We found out we wouldn't be getting paid until harvest time rolls around [September-December].  Yet, our excitement continued to grow!!  Nothing phased us! 
We have been craving a new adventure for SO long, and after having so many doors close on us we had finally surrendered to God's plan & just living on HIS timing... and then, out of nowhere, this just falls into our laps?!  It felt so right.  We had SUCH a peace!  Even the idea of 'roughing it' was appealing to us.  The last few months we'd been throwing ideas around of how we could 'simplify' our lives; ideas ranging from giving up Facebook for a month [okay, I'm the only one that really has that addiction] to moving out to my parents cabin in the woods where we'd have to snow shoe up the driveway when it snowed!  We didn't know what we were after, just that we were desperately craving simplicity and a quieter life; a life less cluttered and distracting.  We knew we needed to get 'real' again.  And even though it's Hawaii and at first glance seems anything but simple and 'back to basics', this idea was starting to sound more and more like what we were after!  
New Years Eve 2011- we'd known about this idea for all of one week, but we knew we needed to make a decision!  [It may seem rash, but that's just the kind of people we are!]  We prayed together, then decided to take a walk and if God hadn't changed our minds by the time we got back we were booking tickets!  Granted, we're in the mountains, in the middle of the night, in December... our walk wasn't all that long!  But, we strolled through the winter wonderland, talked it out for the thousandth time and came back even more convinced!  We toasted in 2012 with champagne and two tickets to Kona, Hawaii!!  
That was 53 days ago... and we only have five days to go!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

just scratching the surface::

Here it is: my very first blog post!  I'm still not entirely convinced when it comes to the whole blogging phenomena.  But, apparently, I have some 'blog worthy' adventures and I've decided to give it a go!
A little about me::  I LOVE Jesus and believe that through Him there is always hope!!  I have been married to my best friend, Derek, for 1 year & 7 months!!  My passion is pretty much any type of adventuring and/or traveling!!
Before Derek and I were married we did our Discipleship Training School [DTS] with Youth With A Mission [YWAM] in Gold Coast, Australia!!  That was an unforgettable four months, and afterwords I traveled throughout Papua New Guinea for two months while Derek went to Indonesia!   Needless to say, we came away from those six months knowing that we wouldn't be able to stay in one place for long... we had been bitten by the travel bug!!  We also knew that we wanted to be 'missionaries', but we had a long way to go in realizing what that meant.  
After getting married and settling into life as married people we started jumping from one idea to the next; one dream to another, constantly searching for our 'purpose', our 'calling'.  We were continually asking God to show us His will for our lives.  Every opportunity that came our way would eventually fall through; doors kept closing.  It was frustrating and discouraging!  We desperately wanted to be used by God!!  
(Okay, I should probably throw in a quick disclaimer::  a lot of the time when I say 'we' I should probably be saying 'I' because Derek is significantly calmer about these things than I am and I have a LOT to learn from that man!  However, lumping him in with me makes me feel a bit less ridiculous about my repeated doubting of God and His perfect timing!)   
Slowly but surely I started realizing how wrong I was!  I had such a small, limited definition of what it meant to be a 'missionary'.  God had to open my eyes to the mission field right outside my front door, in my work place, and in THIS city!  I had such tunnel vision; focusing only on the future and a grand 'purpose' for my life and I was forgetting to live in the moment!!  I was looking past the command I've already been given: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. ... Love your neighbor as yourself.  There is no commandment greater than these." [Mark 12:30-31]  I was so convinced that my 'mission' on this earth was an unknown and once I figured it out THEN I would find purpose!  But Jesus has already laid it out for me, plain and simple; my mission and what I need to accomplish it!  'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore GO and make disciples of ALL nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'  Matthew 28:18-20  My 'calling' is to LOVE God and all those around me, to journey with people; making disciples and letting the love and light of Jesus Christ shine through me, no matter what I'm doing!  I am simply a vessel, to be filled with and used by the power of the living God!  My desire to GO right now, get involved in a missions organization and travel the world- helping third world countries wasn't wrong, and is, most likely, something that God has put in my heart...BUT I was refusing to let go and accept that God is in charge- not me!  None of this happened over night, it was a journey... and this is only a small piece of it!  I'm learning to be content and trust that God is sovereign and His timing is PERFECT!  And, let me tell you, although terrifying at first, it is incredibly freeing when you truly 'let go and let GOD!'
Life is an incredible journey and God is definitely at work in my life.  I feel like Derek and I have come so far, and I know we've barely even scratched the surface of all that God has for us, and all that we will learn.  He is teaching us, molding us and preparing us for the next part of our journey.... which is a very, very, VERY exciting thing, indeed, annnnnd a post for another day!  
So, until then... be blessed!  & live in the NOW :)