Before I formed you in the womb I KNEW you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5
This past week brought several uncomfortable days of feeling tight as a balloon and becoming quite familiar with those 'growing ligament pains' they warned me about. Now I realize the reason for all that stretching, though, Peanut is needing more leg room! I'm in my 17th week and this turnip sized baby is making his/her presence known! (Yes, I know... pictures are a must and I'm hoping to have at least one of 'the bump' by my next post.)
'For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.' Psalm 139:13-14
The really exciting news is that I haven't left any car doors open lately! The worst case of 'pregnancy brain' this week was a simple attempt to cram our extra-fluffy comforter, that we only wash at the laundromat, into our washing machine. I realized I was being a bit over-zealous, but not until half the comforter was already drenched. Smooth.
[speaking of being a mother, here's my wonderful Mom!]
I had an unusually, amazing amount of time at home this week and I LOVED it! I definitely wouldn't consider myself an introvert, but a day of checking things off my 'home list', experimenting in the kitchen and reading a good book is certainly a well spent day, in my opinion! My family made such a significant dent in our to-do list that we're actually able to do non-farm-related things, now. -Insert happy dance!- I tried my hand at homemade granola (definite success!) and Derek's finally finishing the surfboard he started from scratch. With coffee on the back burner I'm able to take on cleaning jobs again and Derek is looking for more landscaping work. We know God's plan is beyond anything we can imagine and we're looking forward to all He has for us these next few months. 'Show me the way I should go, for to You I entrust my life... Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.' Psalm 143:8,10
This week was full of 'little' things that are actually a pretty big deal. At the beach I was wishing that I could spot a whale and literally, within seconds of thinking so, saw the tell-tale spout of water shooting into the air. Thanks God! Our Poha (gooseberry) bush produced a nice little crop of berries which I thoroughly enjoyed eating. A friend from church brought me two huge bags of clothes that she's no longer using. It was like second-Christmas; trying on clothes all morning, modeling for Derek! Also, it was time for a phone upgrade and I spent a whopping 99 cents for the iPhone 4. My kind of purchase :) I decided to treat myself to a haircut, for the first time in a year, and the result of a simple trim has me feeling like a super model! Derek picked me flowers, I baked him cookies. It's a wonderful life we live.
Without my daily dose of branch dragging and jungle clearing I knew I needed to lace up my running shoes again. Driving the truck while Derek sprays RoundUp doesn't exactly qualify as a work out. So, with new motivation and the discovery of a new running place, other than the highway, I was off! It amazes me that the more active you are, the more you want to BE active. Running/walking this week has me inspired and also taking advantage of any opportunity to walk to the store, post office, etc. Don't worry, I'm not out to break any records and I'm staying plenty hydrated!
My favorite part of getting outside is how tangibly God is with me. He's always by my side, but it seems like I sense His presence in a whole different way when I'm surrounded by His creation. I breathe in the smell of tropical flowers and feel the rain heavy in the air and I'm inspired. The breeze caresses my skin and I'm refreshed. Just like anything else, if I'm in a hurry, with a thousand things on my mind, I'll miss this. I have to choose to be in the moment. I must choose to grab hold of the hand Jesus is offering me, that we might explore together. He has so much to teach me, and He extends invitations to me daily- but I must accept. I tend to pray 'God, I want to know you more..' and then go about my day at 100mph, never stopping to realize all the ways He's saying, 'Then come, Daughter, know me!!'
'You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.' Jeremiah 29:13
It truly is a wonderful life, the question is whether or not I will take the time to realize it.