Babies grow up faster than a mama ever wants and toddler silliness turns into real-life questions about the hard and the confusing. The crunch of autumn leaves fades into the magic of snow. Wind howls and the chill bites but, before I know it, spring is poking its head out in buds on every tree and the promise of summer hangs in the air. Time marches on, whether I gave permission or not.
Stories pile on top of stories and lessons learned blur together as I chase time and scramble to keep up, record and remember. May I focus more on being present in the moments; each gummy smile and tickle fight and tiny hand held safe in mine. May I savor each kiss pressed to my forehead as hard-working-husband heads out the door to carve out our place in this world. I long for the day I will 'have my act together' and take cookies to the neighbors, organize the perfect play dates and be whisked away by my husband on a desperately needed date night. But I need to realize that time is not something we will ever truly be able to master, it will always be a step ahead. So today is the time to DO, to live, regardless of the convenience level. Time marches on, in spite of my keeping up or not.
The other night, elbows deep in my cauliflower soup prep, I realized I was short one stick of butter. (Yes, a whole stick... stop judging and go make this amazing soup already!) Insert large exhale; this would mean a walk down the street and around the corner to the garage where the extra freezer holds the extra butter. Not seeing any way around this inconvenience, I shrugged on a jacket, made sure Derek knew where both boys were and ventured out on mission: retrieve butter and get back before the soup boils over.
As I rounded the corner and faced the mountains, my brisk walking came to an abrupt halt as I beheld the sight in front of me. Mountains, dark and brooding, were framed by an explosion of crimson red, burnt orange and golden highlights. It legitimately looked like an entire fireworks store (you know the ones, right on the Wyoming border, that Derek insists we stop at for contraband explosives!) had blown up right on the other side of the Sangre de Cristos. It was magnificent. The colors were glorious. A gift from my Heavenly Father, beckoning me, 'Come, enjoy, savor!' And I could do nothing but stand in awe at this masterpiece because it would literally be gone in a matter of moments. There would be no scheduling in a convenient time to watch this sunset, it had to be right then!
"Jesus said, 'No procrastination. No backward looks. You can't put God's kingdom off till tomorrow. Seize the day.' " (Luke 9:62 MSG)
Now, I'm not advocating the trashing of all your to-do lists; the issue is not with having a plan. (Help us all.. I wouldn't even remember to take a shower if it hadn't been scribbled on paper at some point.) But we can't spend our whole life in the planning stage and we can't wait for time to slow down because it simply will not ever bend to our will. Jesus says His kingdom can not be put off. It is here and now, as we live out the lives He created us to live. As we spread the knowledge of Him, as we love those around us, as we step into the role of ambassador for our King, He is glorified and His Kingdom comes.
"Now having been questioned by the Pharisees as to when the kingdom of God was coming, He answered them and said, "The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or, 'There it is!' For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst." Luke 17:20-21
Whatever God has given you to do in this season of life.. embrace it! Work, school, home building, diaper changing; it matters, may we give it our best. May His kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven. And as we're up to our eyebrows in said work, in the life that continues to happen all around us.. let's not forget to laugh, swing on the porch swing and initiate those watermelon seed spitting contests! I want to love my people well, serve without expectation and not wait around for a special occasion to wear my pearl necklace or bake a pie or learn how to water ski. That day, the special occasion, ever-illusive 'free time' may never actually come. So what if I just live right now, making the most of whatever season I find myself in?! What about waking up everyday with the intention to truly live?!John Lennon tells us to live right now, instead of simply making the plans to live, and I agree. But what he didn't say, and what I believe even MORE, is that before we know it this life will be over- whether it went according to 'plan' or not- and then eternity begins. And we will each be asked to give account. What did we do with the days we were given; were we good stewards of our time, our gifts, our relationships, our opportunities? Or did we spend our whole life in the planning stage, longing for what was just out of reach, failing to see the spectacular potential of the moment right in front of us?
For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. 2 Corinthians 5:10
Life beckons.. come, live, this moment is fleeting! What we do today will echo into eternity, 'whether good or bad'. May we stop chasing time, stop planning to live 'someday' and choose, instead, to be fully alive right now.
Yes, each of us will give a personal account to God. Romans 14:12