Wasn't it just a few short months ago that we were spending every waking moment outside, digging in the mud and floating on (cannon-balling into) the river? Now our cheeks aren't red from forgetting the sunscreen but from the bite of wind on these brisk mornings. Instead of living in our swim suits, we now bundle up for crisp walks across icy fields and return with noses running and toes like popsicles.
Yet, soon the sweet summer months will be upon us again and we'll forget all about our tilting snowmen and the pain of frozen fingers as they thaw out. We won't be thinking about the beauty of each individual flake of snow (or 'frost falling from the sky' as Daniel recently referred to it in his scramble to find the word that had slipped his mind!) One month flows into the next as time marches on and I'm learning to identify God's faithfulness throughout it all.
The boys pull me away from the door, anxious to start mixing up the banana bread (there seems to be a significant increase in baked goods around here when the weather is chilly..), but I spot it right before I turn away. A bright red Cardinal flies right past the back porch! This was not my first spotting (and 'bird watching' is not exactly on my list of hobbies). The bird flits by, on the coldest of mornings, practically shouting 'All is well!' in defiant, crimson blur of hope and life against the backdrop of cold, gray winter. The contrast is stark and I can't help but grin.
I'm calling these red bird moments 'glimpses of grace'. Little things, rather easily glanced over, that, if noticed, have the power to change perspectives and breathe hope into weary souls. When I start paying attention to these red bird moments; tracking and piecing them together, they begin to create a startling masterpiece of goodness and grace. I jot them down in my journal; a sunset that takes my breath away, unexpected encouragement at the drive-thru window, a sloppy kiss from my growing-at-the-speed-of-light toddler, tea in the mail from my sweet friend; glimpses of grace and reminders of God's goodness in the middle of my mess!
After dropping my boys off at their AWANA classes each Wednesday night, I join a group of women hungry for more and we dig deep into the Bible. We are currently in Colossians and right there in the first chapter lies the reason for my red bird moments. Colossians 1:15-17 'The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
Jesus, image of the Holy God we cannot see, created ALL things. And not only are 'all the things' created through Him and for Him, but He holds them all together... continually, constantly! His fingerprints are everywhere; literal glimpses of Grace Himself orchestrating every single detail of our existence. The invisible God allows these little windows into His great love for us; tangible reminders that His plans exceed our wildest expectations, if we will only trust Him. The Creator of Cardinals and sweet, sticky toddlers and the music we feel deep in our soul, sees us right here and now in the middle of our winter or impossible situation or weary soul. Grace longs for us to grab hold of these little reminders that He is at work.
'So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.' Hebrews 4:16
Last Saturday Owen had team pictures before his basketball game, which meant we had to leave the house at 7am. Even after two cups of coffee, I wasn't exactly 'firing on all cylinders'. (But the boys were impressed when I successfully scraped the ice off my windshield with a Costco card!) I hopped in the car, extremely thankful for heated seats, and headed up the road only to come to a quick stop again as I noticed the absolute perfection on my window. The frosty snowflakes, in perfect detail, were highlighted by the rising sun on the horizon and I was awestruck. It no longer mattered that we had exactly 45 minutes to make the 45 minute drive into town. I pulled over and pointed out the glory of that moment to my boys and we all exclaimed, 'Whoa, God!! Very cool!!' Glimpses of grace! At 7 am on a Saturday, because He's always at work!
Lamentations 3:22-26 'Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him." The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.
So the question is whether or not we are anticipating these glimpses of Grace today? Turns out, it's extremely difficult to see these red bird moments when I am in a hurry, or distracted, or longing for spring, or anxious about upcoming decisions (and the list goes on..). But that doesn't change the fact that there is still Grace in abundance awaiting each of us. The invisible God is allowing VISIBLE glimpses of Himself at work, all around us, through the simplest of details. He is in the ridiculous splashes of colors amidst the bleakest circumstances. And the more we recognize His work; acknowledging His presence and His plan, the easier it will become to identify His fingerprints. He longs to answer us and has a lifetime of goodness to reveal, if we will only call on Him and trust His plan.
Jeremiah 33:2-3 "This is what the LORD says, he who made the earth, the LORD who formed it and established it- the LORD is his name: 'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.' "