I'm pleased to announce that Kona is greening up significantly with all the rains we've been getting! The fields are lush and coffee branches sag; heavy with cherries. We were convinced we'd slept through a tornado or extreme wind when we woke to a whole field of slouched trees! On closer investigation we realized the branches were just exhausted from the weight of all those cherries! Unfortunately, if this is 'growing season' for coffee, it's 'exploding season' for the weeds! Because we've lost our minds entirely, we're taking on round two of weed wacking!! Joking aside; these weeds don't even begin to compare to their ancestors, but it's still not an easy task. The field that we cleared upon arrival, three months ago, is now sporting a few weeds as tall (if not taller) than ME! The unthinkable popped out of my mouth as we stopped for a water break "Derek, I'm actually THANKFUL that the fields were as horrible as they were when we got here.." silence. So I elaborate, "Without that victory under our belts we'd think we were really something for taking on these four to five foot weeds! But this is just kid stuff!' Perspective gained, I suppose!
(green coffee cherries!)
We're so grateful for our friends here! Our work load isn't quite as intense as it was before and if not for the family we've gained we might be experiencing a bit of boredom! But, not to worry, there's always someone up for going diving, getting a coffee, playing frisbee or having a bonfire! And Kai keeps us entertained as well. He's remarkably smart; sleeps through the night and is potty trained without a bit of effort on our part. We have been putting effort into sit, stay, come, down, etc. and he's learning fast. His first swim in the ocean was a bit overwhelming; Derek tossed him in, he sunk, I gasped, and after a painful three seconds he surfaced!! His second encounter was at the beach where he could progress at his own speed and after a third swim in deep water with me, he's officially a water dog! Our latest and greatest culinary achievements include an amazing chicken stir fry with green beans from our own garden and eggplant from our neighbor's garden! Also on the menu this week was some incredible ahi! We attempted eating it (almost) raw because all the recipes we looked up simply said to sear it on each side and that you want it pink in the middle. Die hard sushi fans that we are, we thought we were up to the challenge, but in the end common sense won out and Derek cooked it to perfection!
On Friday night we got to hang out with some of the youth at church and watch an incredible video by Louie Giglio "How Great is Our God". If you haven't seen this, you are missing out! It rocked my world! I needed to recognize what a teeny, tiny, insignificant speck I am in this universe and to put God back in his rightful, mind-boggling, place! It's through THAT perspective that I can begin to grasp how incredible it is that He loves ME! The Star Breather chose ME and cares about what is going on in my every day life!! God cares about the coffee trees and the greenhouse life; every undertaking and new adventure. Not only is He guiding and providing, but He is orchestrating every single detail of our journey! Amazing! Louie Giglio has scientific knowledge that will blow you away but my favorite part was learning about 'Laminin'. It's this protein molecule that basically holds the entire body together and, low and behold, it's in the perfect shape of a cross! Microscopic crosses throughout your entire body... literally holding you together! Gives a whole new meaning to Colossians 1:17 'in Him all things hold together!!" (I'm really not doing this justice, you've GOT to watch the video, or even the shorter version just on Laminin... seriously, Google it!!) It's with that knowledge that we embrace a brand new week and whatever the Creator has in store for us!!
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