'Peanut' and I are 23 weeks and I've had my first two 'belly spottings' from complete strangers. It took me awhile to realize the woman at the gas station was wondering when I was due! 'Oh, I guess I am the only one here subconsciously holding a protective hand over my belly while I pump gas..' To have onlookers noticing the bump and actually realize it's more than an overzealous apetite for cheesecake is great for morale. Especially when I'm down to just a few pairs of 'regular shorts' that still button. Thank goodness for elastic!
[convinced that the weeds make my bump bigger..]
This last week FLEW by and another one started up without my permission; at least that's my explanation for the late post. We worked at the land a few days, catching up on those pesky weeds that just won't stay wacked! I've actually really enjoyed working in the fields lately. Looking out over the neat rows of blossoming coffee trees is incredibly rewarding! (And dealing with month-old weeds is a piece of cake compared to the gnarly jungle we faced at the beginning!) Derek did some more landscaping and we started selling COFFEE!! This is, by far, my favorite step in the process. I have a strange fondness for paper work and post offices, so keeping track of purchases and mailing out shipments is my kind of 'work'. We have a website up and running if any of you readers are interested: pearlkonacoffee.com. There's still a few quirks to be worked out with the Paypal button, it only allows for the purchase of one bag at a time and for some coffee connoisseurs that just won't do! So, you can also send me an email: bethel_pearl@yahoo.com for details, prices, etc. The reviews so far are "Smooth and delicious!"Our nightly entertainment of late is lemon eating! Derek heard about a 'magic berry', a real fruit made into pill form that temporarily alters your taste buds and makes sour or spicy foods taste deliciously sweet! One could argue that our idea of a good time has been significantly altered, and maybe they'd be right. But this is seriously entertaining! We also went on a date to the movies! Derek had a theater gift card in his wallet that got stollen and I was pretty worked up about it because the thief won't even get any use out of it, why couldn't they just leave it!! Adding insult to injury, I suppose. But, it's all good because the theater said they would accept the receipt and for some unknown reason, I had it in my purse!! Thank you, Jesus for the little things :)
[here's a cute face for ya!]
Here's the thing: we just genuinely love life. The other day Derek and I just kept looking at each other and saying things like "Today's a great day!" or "We've got a pretty cool life!" We're life lovers! God is incredible and He has brought us so far. We laugh a lot and we concoct delicious foods. We work hard and we dream big. We sit on the roof and watch the waves crash. We go to the beach and while Derek surfs I simply float in the water, content to feel weightless for awhile! We'll meet our son in four months and we couldn't be more excited!! Kai is one year old and friskier than ever; we are so thankful for him! This church God led us to has changed our lives in countless ways. We know about worship and fellowship, serving and being served, in ways that we've never even thought possible. And we live in a gorgeous place where we don't have to wear shoes! (Did I mention how Derek actually forgot to pack shoes for our CO. trip and was reminded just seconds before heading to the airport that he was barefoot!!?)
This week didn't come with a huge revelation. I felt God in more of a 'still, small voice' sort of way, which I actually prefer. His presence is so sweet. As I played the piano, as I walked up and down rows of coffee trees, as I laid in bed at night I was continually reminded of His goodness, His love, His provision.
These verses stood out to me:: 2 Samuel 6:21-22 'I will celebrate before the LORD. I will become even more undignified than this..' A king, recklessly abandoned in worship of his King! Without concern for the thoughts and judgements of any onlookers. He didn't care. Jeremiah 31:3 'I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.' Unrelenting love and pursuit of a rebellious nation, of stubborn people! We can not fathom His kind of love; a love that never fails. Hebrews 7:25 'Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.' Jesus paid the ultimate price for our freedom and He is rooting for US!! 2 Samuel 7:18 'Who am I, Sovereign LORD, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?' Humbled at the realization of all that God's done, David is brought to his knees in awe! And I seem to be in the same position.. humbled by my King, yet also wanting to jump around and do a happy dance! I'm blown away by His love and the fact that He's in Heaven RIGHT NOW talking to God on my behalf! He has made a way, for this life AND the next and I will celebrate!!
[my surfer man!]
I still think your baby bump is tiny. You look great...even with all the weeds plastered to your face. You hardly see the weeds because of your happy smile. It is always so fun to feel your little one while pregnant. Dad says your blog was deliciously beautiful. He savored every word. :) Loved the picture of Derek surfing. Abe would love to be there taking pictures for him. :) Abe has 2 vanities made for our new house and was asking if we wanted a Brigham plate put on it. We decided to put a plate that said Abe R on it. That will be cool to have his name on it since he is making it. Ben and Wes and Abe will work on all the kitchen cupboards. Root canal went great and I'm doing fine. Jaw a little stiff, but that is to be expected. We love you guys so...much and always look forward to hearing from you. Take care Love Love Love you Mom and Dad
ReplyDeleteHey Mom & Dad!! Thank you :) I need to take another bump picture wearing the same clothes as I did in the first one, so that you can see a difference, even if it's not a HUGE difference :) It is fun to feel him moving around!!
DeleteThat's great that you'll have some of Abe's furniture in the new house, I guess I'm the only one that hasn't made you something yet.. does a grandson count?! haha!!
Glad everything went fine at the dentist.. praying for continued healing and no more jaw pain.
Love you both SO much!
ReplyDeleteLovin' your blog, you guys are so great. Glad you had a good trip to CO and made it back to Hawaii safely. Also enjoying the baby belly since you can finally tell, haha :-)
Alissa!! Thank you so much :) And yes, we can FINALLY see some proof! haha!!
DeleteHope all is well with you and Brian!!
Bethel!! this is going to sound strange, but I met your parents today at a luncheon and while they were looking at my newly published book they told me about you and your blog so I promised to look you up....I love your blog!!! How fun the ways that God connects, right? And congrats on being a new Mommy!! No calling greater than that! you can find me and my blog at http://reflectionsofgracehome.wordpress.com/ and my web page at www.reflectionsofgracehome.com. I am a Life Purpose Coach....would love to hear back!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Dixie!! How funny that you met my parents!! Thanks for checking out my blog.. God certainly does make the most incredible connections! I will definitely be checking out your blog, as well. Congratulations on your book- that's GREAT!!