We realize there's no way to be fully prepared for all that is coming. We can attend classes, read stacks of books, and do hours of research.. er.. blog reading. But this little man will come when he wants to, be his very own, individual self and turn our worlds completely upside down and inside out! While hanging out with friends last week Derek had a tiny taste of what is to come.. it included a naked baby and some unexpected poo! Needless to say, this simply strengthened his resolve to be a 'diaper free Daddy' and kept me laughing hysterically for a good fifteen minutes!
Derek worked liked a maniac this week in order to free up our weekend for birthday celebrations!! I'm afraid I wasn't very much help, apart from a little mowing and weeding. But I did bake him a peanut butter chocolate pie and banana bread muffins; I think he approves of that arrangement.
We had an awesome time road tripping to the other side of the island; gorgeous day, great songs and I packed enough snacks for 15 people! Our plan was to camp on the Hilo side for a night, maximizing the amount of exploring to be done. But when we asked friends from that side to recommend a great spot they offered us the empty half of their house! Now, don't get me wrong- I love camping! But if this baby makes regular sleeping more difficult I can only imagine what his opinion would be about a night on the ground. So, we were quick to accept their generous offer and even met up with them for delicious Japanese food and a tour of their favorite local spots.
I could write a novel about our fantastic birthday adventures but I'll keep it short and sweet. A rainy afternoon made us resort to indoor activities; candy factory inspecting and a little shopping at the mall since Kona side is severely lacking in clothing stores. We splurged on my all time favorite kind of cinnamon roll and went on a date to the movies. The next day started off at a pancake house where Derek managed to notify them of the special occasion without my knowing; I was completely surprised by the server's rendition of 'Happy Birthday', the candle in my pancakes, and a homemade paper hat!
Our full day in Hilo was, thankfully, beautiful and sunny! We went snorkeling, hung out with the biggest turtles we've EVER laid eyes on and enjoyed quality park time. Derek and I love a good park and with the Kona side also lacking in that department we were pleasantly surprised with the wide selection in Hilo. We ate our picnic by the water, threw the frisbee, napped in the grass and meandered down the paths, over the bridges and around the massive Banyan trees! Venturing over to 'Coconut Island' had us excitedly discussing plans for the day when we might have our own island! Kai, of course, was happy to accompany us and may or may not have done a little pond swimming on the sly...
Back on 'our side' of the Big Island for my actual birthday, we were ready for more celebration! Derek surprised me with breakfast at a lovely little creperie and then we were off to a baby shower! Our amazing Hawaii family threw us a party that we'll never forget. Derek and I were completely blown away by the incredible generosity, love and encouragement that was poured out on us. Not to mention an absolutely beautiful day at a gorgeous location right on the water. Coffee may have been our reason for moving out here but these incredible people are definitely the reason we've stayed. The fellowship and involvement that we were so desperately lacking before has been found in abundance here and we can't imagine life without this 'ohana'. The shower was a huge blessing and we actually feel ready for baby Owen to arrive, now. The car seat is installed in the truck, the books are lined up on the night stand waiting to be read and I've started packing his diaper bag!
I've had several 'rainbow spottings' this week. Whether these moments actually included an arch in the sky or not, I've been continually stopped in my tracks by beautiful reminders of God's faithfulness, His promises. Our life is about to change dramatically and we know there will be difficulties and storms. But we hold fast to the promise of God's unfailing love, which will not be shaken. As I begin a new year of life I'm eagerly anticipating all that God will do and the things He has in store for us. I know there are lessons to be learned and these teaching sessions aren't usually a 'simple' process for me. Yet, everywhere I look I discover reminders of God's goodness and love, the rainbows after the storm. And so it is with confidence in my Savior that I begin this new year. I'm filled with excitement; ready to embrace all that is to come: storms, unexpected poo, rainbows and everything in between!
'Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,' says the LORD, who has compassion on you. Isaiah 54:10
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