I'm stuck in the story of Esther. It's a multi-layered story that continues to teach me life lesson after life lesson. What I keep coming back to this time around is found in chapter four. Esther has been briefed on the plot to wipe out her people, the Jews, and Mordecai has presented his request for her to go before the king to plead for mercy. Not such a simple task when you realize that anyone who comes to the king uninvited is to be put to death UNLESS he extends 'the golden scepter' to them. Yikes. This brings us to verse 14, which I've been mulling over the past few days. 'For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?' At first glance this verse was irrelevant; I love my life but, let's face it, I'm not exactly in a position to change the world! I tried to move on but the Holy Spirit had other ideas. So I came back for a second look, and a third. I have yet to fully grasp every implication, but here's where I'm at..
The plans of God will be carried out, His purpose will prevail, with or without ME. He longs for me to be a part of those plans and has already prepared specific works for me to step into! 'For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.' Ephesians 2:10 But I can choose to go my own way. Esther didn't have to step up; God would have found an alternate way to deliver His people. But she would have missed out, and at the expense of her family!
'Okay,' I said, 'I'll step up.. got it!' But the lesson was far from over.
That last sentence plays through my mind like a broken record, 'And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?' My position is not exactly 'royal' but is it possible that I have arrived at this specific time of life for a certain reason? For such a time as this. Has God been preparing me, throughout my entire life, to step into the role of wife? And now mother? Absolutely! I'm reading 'The Ministry of Motherhood', thanks to an amazing cousin, and learning that this is truly part of my calling!
God is at work in me and through me as I journey through life with Derek and now Owen, investing in the lives of those around me. He has brought me to this time and place for a reason and I must choose whether or not I will make the most of every opportunity; stepping up because I don't want to miss out. Stepping up because there is much more at stake here; my decisions affect my family which, in turn, will affect countless lives. Changing the world is an overwhelming job and that's why God has simply asked me to love one person at a time. To take it one day at a time. Stepping up even when it's scary. Realizing the importance of my role, my calling and the countless ways God has prepared me 'for such a time as this'.
My baby will be almost 7 weeks old by the time I actually click the 'publish' button on this post. He has officially discovered the smiling muscles! His grins are no longer the few and far between result of (lets be honest) gas.. but a genuine response to interaction with Dad, Mom and Grandma! Needless to say, these smile sessions are a highlight of everyone's day!
It's incredible to witness Owen's constant development. He becomes stronger and more alert every day and has become quite the practiced grunter, his preferred form of communication. It's also amazing to realize our own development as parents! There are still (and probably always will be) an overwhelming amount of unknowns. But our knowledge and ability has quadrupled in the past six and a half weeks. Running errands is no longer a nightmare, and we've had several successful trips to the beach! I wouldn't exactly label our days 'scheduled', but as Owen and I continue to figure each other out things begin to flow more smoothly.. almost as though we were made 'for such a time as this'!
boys at the beach!
This week we were blessed by another Grandma visit!! She filled Owen's kiss quota for several months, treated us to sushi and bushwhacked her way through the jungle in search of macadamia nuts! We drank out of coconuts, shopped for the next size of baby clothes and accompanied Derek to a few of his landscaping jobs.. for quality control, of course :) We are so incredibly grateful for our amazing family and can't wait to continue introducing Owen to all the rest of you!
Coffee is ripening and the first round has been picked at the farm!! Unfortunately, Owen and I aren't much help at this point and we've only been able to find one picker (we were hoping for more like.. 10?!) So we are unsure of what will come of this harvest. We know God is in control, though!
Derek's latest undertaking is the art of tree climbing, a.k.a he's becoming an arborist. There's a significant need for this on the island because no one wants a palm frawn (branch) or coconut falling on their head or the head of someone at their resort! They also don't have a way to access said coconuts when the palms reach 50+ feet into the sky! This is where Derek comes in. He purchased the necessary equipment, (on day 1 I found him practicing on the neighbor's telephone pole!) and has successfully completed his first job! He was most definitely made 'for such a time as this' and I love seeing him embrace new ideas and undertakings. I am, once again, inspired by my husband's initiative and willingness to step up.
I love being married to Derek. I love being Owen's mom. We are on an incredible adventure here in Hawaii!! But what I find truly incredible is the fact that God is at work and has extended an invitation to ME to take part in that work! He's been preparing me from the beginning. And what I face today is in preparation for what is yet to come. It's never 'just another day'.. but an opportunity to step up and be used by God to change the world, one day (and one life) at a time.
We love hearing about your adventures in parenting as well as life! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteGreat as usual! Most people haven't heard of Monica, but without her there wouldn't have been St. Augustine. This humble mother prayed her son through his rebellious years and the result was one of the great saints of the middle ages. The only great thing we know of that Andrew did was bring Peter to Jesus, but we know how greatly God used Peter. Parenthood is the highest calling a person can have. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. If you don't ever accomplish anything else, but raising a Godly child, you are a success in the kingdom of God. We say Amen to your blog this week. Thanks for the message from Esther and from you. Give Derek and Owen a hug from us. Tell Derek to be careful...on his new adventures. Love Dad and Mom