Be still and know that He is God
Be still and know that He is faithful
Consider all that he has done
Stand in awe and be amazed
And know that He will never change
Be still
As these lyrics flashed up on the screen this Sunday, Derek and I looked at each other and in that unspoken language unique to best friends, we
knew. We knew this was for us. A breath of fresh air; these words were a reality check amidst a
stressful list of impending decisions. But they shouldn't be stressful. '
Consider all that He has done!' I just re-read my entries from last November. Talk about humbling. We were ready to pack our bags and head for the mainland when God said, 'Wait, I have other plans.' Incredible plans! A year later and we still have not paid rent on this island! Our lives have been turned upside down, in the best possible way, by a sweet baby boy! Derek has not only started his own business but is beginning to see it flourish!
'Stand in awe and be amazed!'
A friend recently commented on how I tend to hold Owen. He is a constant blur of motion and in order to free up one hand, and support his bobbly head, I usually hold him with his back to my chest. She said she liked that because 'Owen knows you've got his back and he's free to look forward!'
I suppose the same is true of my Papa and I. I'm learning to embrace change, unknown and yes, even 'obstacles' as opportunities for God to work in my life! We have to make decisions about our future as we look towards a new year and I'm excited! 'Know that He will never change.' God is faithful. He works all things together for good. He has plans for us; plans to prosper us and not harm us, plans to give us hope and a future! With those promises at my back, I can look forward with anticipation of all that God will do!
The past few days I've been flooded with the realization of how rich we are! A coffee date with girls that feel like sisters, dinner with friends that feel like family. A peach crisp made with peaches brought all the way from CANADA!! Literally, hundreds of oranges picked and squeezed. A husband that comes home from work and says 'I loved that!' A little boy that spills out joy like sunshine! Piano music and a blooming rose bush. Thunder storms and radiant sunsets! Homemade apple pie and hysterical laughter upon finding the ice cream put away in the.. refrigerator?!
“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Owen and I just finished his version of the Old Testament. It was awesome!! I love how powerful the Word of God is, even broken down to its very simplest form. The faithfulness of God is so incredibly obvious, even in story book form. His people rebel, turn away, forget, choose other gods, grow stagnant... and yet, He remains and His purpose stands. I'm guilty, too. I come to a mountain of change, a brand new challenge, and I begin to panic, doubt and scramble to find answers in my own strength, resources and ability. But God is faithful! He has my back and he wants me to face forward, equipped with HIS strength and the knowledge of all the mountains He's enabled me to climb already.
'Be still and know that He is faithful.'
And so we head into a new month; one of my favorites! A time to be THANKFUL and realize the beauty and richness of our life. An opportunity to reflect on the incredible journey God is leading us on! And with the knowledge that '
He is God' and
'He will never change' at our back, we look forward to the future and embrace the next climb!
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