Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Along for the ride!

We're at it again!  This Pearl family has been busily boxing our belongings and venturing to a new (to us) house in a different part of the island.  Some call us vagabonds and I suppose I approve of that label!  I've never been a big 'roots' person.  Of course there is the occasional need to settle; becoming a wife or mama guarantees the temporary commandeering of your body by the 'nesting instinct'.  But I'm a wanderer at heart, invariably ready for the next adventure and always game for venturing into the unknown.
We loved where we were living, but circumstances were changing and we knew the door may be closing.  What we didn't realize was how God was already so marvelously at work.  Before we even had a chance to think the thought 'What's next..'  Derek was coming home from work asking me what I would think about moving!  We had been presented with an incredible opportunity to caretake for a family that is moving to the mainland for 3+ years.
I let the thought roll around in my brain for a few seconds before nodding my agreement, 'Okay!'  Of course, the decision making process was slightly more in depth than that.  We took time to pray it over and talk it out with people full of wisdom.  But in the end, we felt nothing but excitement and peace, so.. here we are!!  Our family is,  once again, in awe of the way God orchestrates each detail of our lives.  Just as one door starts to close, another opens.  His plans are extraordinary and we're happy to be along for the ride!
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

1 comment:

  1. You are your mother's daughter. I too love the adventure of a move and new situations. God must have known I'd go crazy if I wasn't like that, with all the moves we made as a young family with all of Dad's different calls. But there is something awesome about everything being new. But I must worn you, my address book is going to get a hole where I keep erasing your address. Ha! Love You.
