Saturday, July 5, 2014

monkey-see, monkey-do!!

Owen is a full blown copy cat; mimicking sounds, actions, hand gestures, bodily functions.... Need I elaborate?  It is incredible, really.  My very own sponge!  It's also terrifying as I realize that training has already begun, whether I was prepared or not.  I see our reflection in every gesture, pointed finger and animated chattering!  Derek's Mom told me it would be this way, 'More is caught than taught!'  And, oh boy, has this little man started catching!
As I mulled over Psalm 78 yesterday morning I realized why this 'monkey-see, monkey-do' business is absolutely crucial.  'We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done.... He commanded our ancestors to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands.' (from verses 4-7)
If my son is absorbing knowledge every second of every day, it is essential that he soak up what is right!  If I'm training him no matter what I do, then it is essential that I am living, speaking and acting in truth.  It doesn't say God suggested we pass on knowledge of Him, rather, it is a command!  This is not to be taken lightly.  We are called to be intentional about teaching the next generation.
In YWAM a speaker told us 'The question is not whether kids will be influenced but rather what and who will do the influencing... '  It's going to happen; we need to get our heads in the game and figure out what exactly we want going into THEIR heads.  My son is a few days away from turning one (talk about mixed emotions that I will save for another post..) but his little mind is constantly working. It's never 'too early' to start.  In fact, there is no better time to influence then RIGHT NOW when he is eagerly looking to his Daddy and I for every single answer about life!
Owen knows how to turn the radio on in the morning.  He knows which button starts the washing machine and which one starts the coffee pot.  I didn't mean to teach him any of that!  He whistles, he knows how to fake laugh and he 'vrooms' a better car noise than I ever could!  He is absorbing at an incredible speed and I have the privilege of being the filter through which things pass before reaching him.  It will not always be that way, making it vital for a firm foundation to be established from the beginning.
This morning I read confirmation in Titus chapter two; instructions for teaching!  Verse seven is speaking of the young men and says 'In everything set them an example by doing what is good.  In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned...'  Paul says to show it; again, more is caught than taught.  I can tell Owen to do good, to be a man of integrity but he will watch how his Dad and I live.  Talk about a heavy responsibility.  This, my Dad assures me, is why God lets us have kids... just when we think we've got 'things' pretty well figured out!
The time to teach is now.  This is my wakeup call, to SHOW truth, to LIVE with integrity and to SPEAK truth; 'mini-me' is ever-watching, always listening.  When we are silent, the world WILL fill in the gaps.  In later verses of Psalm 78 it tells of men who turned back on the day of battle, they refused to live by God's law.  These men forgot the wonders of their God and all that He had shown them.  (from verses 9-11)  Battles are inevitable in this life; as much as this mother's heart would like to hear, there's simply no getting around some fights.  So instead of investing my time in worrying about all that my sweet son will face I need to invest in preparing him.  May we remind our sponges of the wonders of our God every single day.  May we teach them to give thanks by our very lifestyle that they might not ever forget and so that, on the day of battle, they will be equipped to stand.


  1. Wow! How true. Owen is one lucky little boy to have two great parents who love the Lord and are such a real part of his life and training. We are so...proud of you both as parents and praise the Lord that Owen is being given training from God's perspective. May Owen always see God in his parent's examples of every day life. But, even when you make mistakes, and we all do, God does forgive and HE teaches us to forgive each other and go on. Be the best you can be and God will do the rest. Love Love Love you all. Can't wait to see you soon. Mom

    1. Aww.. thank you Mom!! It sure is an amazing journey that we are on with this little man and you're right, God is charge! We give it our all and He does the rest! [Thankfully!] Love you, too and counting down till the 22nd! xoxo

  2. Great Blog, Bethel.How true!! That's why it's so important to model forgiveness and repentance to children. Saying "I'm sorry" to each other and to your child let's them know there is something even bigger than obedience and that is grace. It's demonstrating that nobody's even close to perfect and mercy triumphs over justice (James 2:13b). Praise Jesus for that amazing GRACE that we get to pass on to the next generation!
