The math doesn't add up. When I married your Daddy I knew that I would never love another human being like I loved him. It was 100% and I was 'all-in'. But then your big brother was born and the most unexplainable, ridiculous thing happened. I realized that, regardless of the numbers adding up or not, I could still love your Dad with all my heart and, at the same exact time, love a tiny miniature version of him with another 100% of... me! Rather than the love being divvied up, it was multiplied.
And now you are coming, sweet babe. And I can not fathom what life will be like once you arrive. I have yet to figure out how it's even possible to be a mama of two. But there is not a doubt in my mind that I already love you with all that I am. And it won't add up, but I will be 'all-in' for all of your life and I will love you with a crazy lady, mama bear, heart-walking-around-outside-my-body, kind of love. You can count on that.
You are currently the size of an ear of corn and busy developing a fine pair of lungs. Your summersaults and jabs get stronger by the day and, because this journey with you has been so incredibly 'easy', those karate kicks are my main reminder that there is truly a LIFE growing within me!
I want you to know how often I think of you and pray over every detail of your journey. This pregnancy walk has been approached different than your big brother's, simply because I don't have the same amount of time available for day-dreaming, book reading and Pinterest browsing. But I am just as giddy about the moment I will hold you in my arms for the first time; I can't wait to get to know you.
In a rare moment of sweet quiet, I sit here reading about name meanings. Your brother is absolutely the 'young warrior' that his name claims and it makes me wonder who you will be. The potential that is already wrapped up in your 8.5 inch long body is truly staggering. I thank Jesus for the privilege it is to be chosen as your Mama and the absolute joy it will be to come alongside you in your journey to be all that He is creating you to be!
I'm biased but I think you're really going to like our family. You've got the best Dad in the world and he will teach you everything you need to know about being wild, brave, free, confident, kind and true. He's already picked out your name but has yet to fully convince me :) Your big brother will, hands down, be the best adventure partner! He loves to explore and imagine and dance and laugh. He'll teach you to drink hot chocolate with 'marshfellows', jump right in the deep end of the pool and say 'scuse me' from any/all bodily functions even when you think it's hilarious. Most of all, we'll point you to Jesus, each of us in our own way, and He will continually guide you!
Like anything else in life, becoming a family of four will be a transition. But we won't be able to imagine life without you. The lessons we learn will be priceless and the adventures in store will be epic. And no, it won't add up, but our love will just keep multiplying and if that's not the best way to do life... I don't know what is!
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. (Psalm 139:13-16)
Hard to comment as we are in the San Francisco Airport but your blog is awesome as usual and we'll write more later love you mom
ReplyDeleteDear Bethel, another GOOOOD job! Love is like the five loaves and two fish- it didn't multiply until they started giving it away. Love wasn't put in the heart to stay , Love isn't love till you give it away.
ReplyDeleteThat's God's funny math! It's oh so wonderful. Almost beyond human comprehension and yet in Christ we get to experience that incomprehensible love! Thanks for putting that amazingness into words and sharing them with all of us. Love and hugs from Seattle, dad