Wednesday, January 13, 2016

To My Boys!

Sweet, baby boy! You are already one month old. How in the world did that happen? We were just making our very hurried trip to the ER, weren't we? You were just brand new! I don't want to forget the buttery soft feel of your skin, the heavenly scent of your baby-fine hair. Your ears and tiny fingers are absolute perfection in their unbelievably, miniature forms. I love everything about you, Daniel Wayne. I don't want to see this sweet newborn phase disappear but, at the same exact time, this front row seat to your development and growth is remarkable!
Your eyes open wide now and focus in on Daddy, Brother and I. You smile and stick out your tongue in response to our wild antics and you pick out our voices from all others. You crane your neck to stretch and see all you can see. You are strong and smart and handsome and we are not biased. Just kidding. But you ARE all those things, ask anyone around!
Owen is warming up to the idea of you sticking around. He loves to 'pet' you, bring your pacifier when you are crying and read you stories, specifically the one about going on a bear hunt. He can not wait until you are a little tougher and he can wrestle you and teach you how to blow bubbles and jump off the couch and tackle the packs of toilet paper. He is an excellent big brother and you will have endless adventures together.
Owen, my brave, strong boy! You are growing into such an awesome young man. I love your heart and the compassion within, I also admire your drive and persistence- even when it is the cause of some teeth gritting on my part. I am inspired by your imagination and wild sense of adventure. You like bizarre foods like artichoke hearts and black licorice. Your favorite Bible character right now is Gideon and you want to read his story every night. You've memorized Proverbs 15:1, Matthew 5:9 and Colossians 3:20. I am SO very proud of you. It's awesome to watch you choose right over wrong, help without being asked and adjust to all this 'new' with such courage and an open heart. There are countless lessons I can learn from you. I love hearing you comfort your teddy bears, or tuck them into their beds and put them to sleep; amidst all that rough and tough and wild-as-can-be is a genuinely kind-hearted little man.
A month has passed since I started writing this! Time is literally FLYING by. We've been to Florida and back and you were both excellent traveling buddies. Quality time with family was wonderful; it is absolutely incredible watching you bond with grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins. Not to mention, we were all in desperate need of sunshine and humidity. Now we are back to Colorado and still in search of a new 'normal'.  This season of life is hard and excellent and I'm learning that's okay.. those two can co-exist.

Daniel, you are much more alert now; smiling and 'talking' to us, making our day everyday! We've found our routine (for now) and it feels good. You've had your first taste of watermelon and definitely approved. You're fighting a bit of a cold and have a love-hate relationship with the 'booger sucker'. Thankfully, you are handling it all like a champ. We are so thankful for your life and the blessing you are to each of us. We look forward to all that is to come and watching you grow and change each day.
Owen, you are now sleeping in a big-boy bed and continually amaze us with your gigantic vocabulary and remarkable ability to communicate. I just asked you if we should shoot hoops or do a puzzle and you replied, 'No, none of those options..' Your prayers melt me into a puddle and when you came running up to me to announce, 'Jesus lives in our HEARTS!' I thought my heart might explode. Have I mentioned that we are proud of you?! You also make us laugh all the time with your silly antics and well-timed movie quoting abilities. Don't ever stop being you, my little man.. because YOU are awesome.
I thank God for the privilege it is to be Mama to you both. Owen and Daniel, I love you with all of my heart. I'm so far from having any of this figured out and, lets be real, sometimes I'm a total wreck. But we can take this life one moment at a time; choosing laughter and grace as we journey together on this wild adventure.

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