Monday, April 8, 2013

mold me & make me

Just when we had polished off our last bit of Easter candy, a box arrived in the mail.  This was no ordinary package; it came bearing Robin Eggs, jelly beans, maternity tops and BABY CLOTHES!  Talk about being blessed!  Unfortunately, my sugar test is coming up and apparently it's frowned upon to go for the blood work right after inhaling a whole bag of Cadbury chocolate eggs!  Self control tactics 101, anyone?!  I've been packing the candy into Derek's lunchbox to thwart any unnecessary temptations.  And I've realized a great distraction is spreading out the little outfits 'Peanut' has acquired so far and feeling a new wave of giddiness about the arrival of our son!
We got to 'see' our little man again this week!!  I know we're slightly biased, but this kid is CUTE!  The reason for an extra ultrasound was a 'low lying placenta' that they spotted the first time.  Thankfully, it's moved up and shouldn't cause any problems come July.  We certainly didn't mind the bonus sneak peek and an additional strip of pictures to put on the wall!  At week 27 Baby Pearl is no longer measured 'crown to rump' but head to toe- making him a full 15 inches long!!  Derek can hear his speedy little heart beat when he puts his ear to my stomach.  Those two no longer have to resort to morse code, either; with his head to my expanding belly, Derek talks to our tiny son.  The responding kicks and punches can either send me into hysterical fits of laughter- this boy's timing is hilarious!  Or, depending on my emotional state, my eyes fill with tears as I realize how incredible and precious these moments are.
Speaking of things that are priceless, we got to talk with a lot of family this week.  Communication is a HUGE blessing and being able to catch up with those you love is an awesome encouragement!  It doesn't matter the form: a phone call, skype date or a hilarious texting conversation where I informed my brother of his role as labor coach in my latest dream where the baby came out in a giant egg?!  I also got to talk with a sweet friend who is in South Africa right now!  Blessing upon blessing.
Derek's keeping busy with landscaping jobs and our newest investment: a chainsaw!  He is, at the moment, 15ft high in a tree- cutting down huge branches!  I offered my assistance, but he was quick to veto that option and thankfully, found volunteers that are slightly more muscular and definitely less pregnant!  I'm in charge of sandwiches and drinks.. not a bad job, I suppose!  When my husband isn't busy with work, he's ready to go surfing.  This latest swell was one of the most impressive we've seen yet.  A whole day of playing videographer this weekend left me with quite the sunburn, but it was a great day and I even captured his back-flip dismount!!  Boys got skills..
I'm still lacking in tales of bizarre cravings.. although, I can easily eat fruit 24/7.  Thankfully, we live in Hawaii and that's not usually a problem.  What is an issue is when I eat pineapple until my tongue is raw but still want MORE!!  We've also had an excess of avocados lately.  I made an attempt at incorporating them into each meal, but in the end we just made (and froze) a huge batch of guacamole.  I know, I know.. if only you had our kind of 'problems'!  
Yesterday in church we had a moment of silence as we were preparing for communion.  While I was praying I just kept thinking the words 'mold me, make me..' and I couldn't decipher where they were stemming from.  As we started worshipping and one of the songs was "Change My Heart, Oh God" I realized this was certainly not random.  'You are the potter, I am the clay.  Mold me and make me- this is what I pray!'  Afterwords, I mentioned to Derek how that had popped into my head earlier and he said 'Oh yeah, because of our devotion!'  And I was thinking.. wait, what?!
We've been reading a daily devotion 'Jesus Calling' and it's absolutely incredible.. I highly recommend it!  Anyway, that morning I'd had a few things on my mind as it was my turn to lead the Bible study at church.  I had 'read' the devotion but, obviously, hadn't taken the time to fully grasp it!!  I was totally in awe as I went back to re-read it, 'I am the Potter; you are My clay... As you move through the turbulent stream with Me, let circumstances mold you into the one I desire you to be.' 
With each passing day I discover more of who God has created me to be.  I'm a flower, still unfolding my petals, going to new depths with Him as we conquer my fears and he reveals the strengths and gifts He's placed within me.  As we all know, the 'molding' is not always pleasant.. but it's for our own good and, more importantly, His glory!  There's a lot of unknown in our life right now, but it's exciting to know that God is orchestrating this time and THIS day.  It seems like an 'in-between' phase, and while that may be true and I know He is readying us for the next chapter, I can't lose sight of the fact that Jesus is constantly at work.  The Spirit is doing awesome things in our lives TODAY!  We were not put on this planet to simply pass time.  I am here for a reason and I need to remember that each day is an opportunity to be used by God, to discover more of His plan for me!  I am the clay that He is creating something beautiful out of. I need to remain pliable in His capable hands and trust that each step is important and vital for the end-product.  'Mold me and make me, this is what I pray.'
Isaiah 64:8  'Yet you, Lord, are our Father.  We are the clay, you are the potter.  We are all the work of your hand.'


  1. Loved Loved Loved this. I loved hearing about Derek and "Peanut" talking and communicating with each other. That was always so fun when Dad got to feel you guys and loved talking and poking on all of you to see if you would respond with a kick or something. :) We often get so busy doing our own thing we forget to allow God to mold us and ask God to mold us as only He knows is just the perfect vessel. I love you. Mom
    You made Mom cry when you talked about the specialness of motherhood. You touched my heart when you painted a picture of the potter and the clay and how God is lovingly shaping each of us everyday to conform to the image of His Son. One of these days He will be done and we will worship the Potter together forever at the throne of Grace. That will be the family reunion we are all dreaming about...only 100 times better than we can imagine. congratulations on your bible class yesterday. We hear it was a raving success. Praise God. He is risen. Love Dad

    1. Thanks, you two!! I always LOVE getting your comments :) I'll call you guys tomorrow!!

  2. wow dereks surfing skills are so impressive! :)
    "Make me & mold me" Thanks for sharing about that. I need that to be my prayer too. We have a lot of unknown in our lives as well and it can be hard to just relax and trust. I have to remind myself of that everyday! haha
    I love hearing about your little baby pearl. I can't wait to see his beautiful face!
    Also I am LOVING the new look of your blog. Great picture choice at the top!

    1. Brittany!!! Thank you, my friend! It definitely needed a little sprucing up :) And YES, I know what you mean- it can be so difficult to continually turn things over to God, remembering that He is in control!
      Your encouragement is always so wonderful!! Thanks for reading.
