Monday, July 22, 2013

A week I wouldn't change one bit..

The last few days of waiting for Owen's arrival were an eternity.  The due date came... and went, yet the world didn't come to a screeching halt as I had apparently presumed!  We kept right on as 'normal'.  The only real difference was how I answered curious inquiries about my baby's pending arrival; with a rather melancholy, 'Oh, the due date was yesterday..'  Slightly dramatic, I realize now, but I felt as though the little man had taken up permanent residency inside my womb!
Proverbs 19:21' Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.' 
Derek didn't admit to this but I know he was dreading the thought of me going into labor while he was working.  He managed to talk me into accompanying him to almost all his jobs.  Although, on one especially hot day, it took the bribery of a chai frappucino to get me in that truck.  I'm glad he was adamant, though.  I would've driven myself crazy at home alone; he kept me thoroughly occupied with weeds that needed pulling and grass that needed mowing.
We also fertilized the entire coffee farm!  This may be my new favorite task in the fields, simply walking up and down the rows, flinging the fertilizer in a nice circle around each tree.  Not especially taxing work, but if anything was going to send me into labor I was sure that trekking up and down 6 1/2 acres of coffee trees would do the trick!
[Derek's rose bush in bloom!!]
Proverbs 16:9 'In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.'
We were on the schedule to take a turn leading Bible study on the 11th.. but in our minds that was kind of a joke.  After all, everyone knew we'd be in the hospital then!  Yet, Thursday arrived in all its glory and even after a walk to where Derek was working for the day, I felt absolutely normal.  After the fact I can honestly say that I'm thankful Owen didn't come that day.  Bible study was awesome and in our last minute preparations we actually learned a LOT.  Afterwords we had an awesome time of prayer!  Our wonderful 'family' gathered around Derek and I to pray for Owen's delivery and for his life. We asked God to give Derek and I strength to face each contraction and also strength for each step of this journey.  It was so encouraging.  God knew that we needed that.  He is faithful even when we are flaky.  He uses every situation to teach us something.
Psalm 33:11 'But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations.'
Friday morning I woke up to the sound of Derek's laughter.  He was in the kitchen, drinking coffee and watching trailers for the movie 'Despicable Me 2'.  I wandered out and before I could lament about another night having come and gone without any sign of our son, Derek announced that we had an appointment at the movie theater once he finished his jobs for the day!  Sweet husband, once again, saved me from myself and gave me something other than going into labor to look forward to.  We had a fantastic date, complete with free popcorn and our smuggled in contraband: RedBull and Reese's for Derek, fresh blueberries and pineapple for me!  (Okay, and maybe a KitKat!)  I'm so thankful for that time together, especially now that it won't be 'just us' for quite awhile!
Psalm 37:7 'Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him..' 
I know you're reading this post because you know that the little man has, indeed, arrived and you want details.  But, this was all part of Owen's birth story; my impatience, God's perfect timing and a week that, looking back on, I wouldn't change one bit.
And now, the moment we've all been waiting for.. Owen's birthday!!  Saturday was absolutely beautiful.  Our friend blessed us with tickets to a pancake breakfast.  We wandered through a rummage sale and I got a killer deal on a massive stack of books.  (Although, now I'm wondering if I'll ever have time to read again.. :)  We cleaned the church, I took a nap and then decided that an evening stroll sounded perfect.  Kai and I had plenty of energy and went almost 3 miles.  I'm not sure if Owen was planning on coming that night anyway or if the walk was an extra motivator, but when I got home things started progressing.
It took a long time for me to be convinced that I was actually in labor.  I suppose I was in denial; I didn't want to raise my (and Derek's) hopes only to realize he was still not coming.  My chicken stir fry took a bit longer than usual to make because I kept stopping, grabbing on to the counter and just breathing.  The pain was a very intense cramping feeling, not at all what I had anticipated.  Derek was getting a little curious but trying not to be TOO excited.
If there was one bit of advice that we heard more than anything else it was 'Wait it out as long as possible at home.'  So, after only 2 hours of contractions we felt lame for calling labor and delivery but when they heard that the contractions were 2-3 minutes apart they said I needed to come in.  I'm so thankful we did!  We're only 10 minutes from the hospital but by the time we arrived I was already 5cm dilated.  In between contractions I still felt perfectly normal; later we joked with one of my nurses about how she saw us in the elevator on our way up, we were laughing and trying to remember what floor to go to.  She figured we still had a LONG ways to go.. little did she realize, Owen was on a mission.  Within an hour I was fully dilated!
My nurses jumped into high gear, spotlights were being turned on and they explained to us that our doctor was on Oahu but the on-call doctor was on her way.  I told Derek to give them my birth plan, but at that point it didn't matter.. even if I had wanted an epidural, there wasn't time.  And we were WAY past the point where I wanted to be using a birthing ball or walking halls.  This baby was coming!
Shout out to the best birth partner in the world.  Derek did AWESOME!  Yes, I did the actual pushing but he played a huge roll in it all; I couldn't have done it without him.  I'm sure I squeezed every drop of blood out of his poor hand, but he never asked for it back.  He kept me focused and helped me breathe through each and every contraction.  I brought my Bible, thinking we had a whole night of labor in front of us but Owen had different plans.  Thankfully, Derek was right there beside me calmly saying, 'You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.'  When I look at my husband now I feel something deeper and stronger than ever before.  Yes, I would still love him even if he had passed out during delivery.  But having him as such an incredible support has made me fall in love on an entirely new level.
After hearing countless stories of labor lasting an entire day or TWO, I'm still a little bit in shock about ours only taking four hours!  I believe prayer made a huge difference!  In the days leading up to delivery I heard from countless people, friends and family all over the world, that they were lifting us up in prayer!  When we went into the hospital Derek let one of our 'Aunties' know and within minutes people from our church were praying and some even came to the waiting room.  The amount of support and love we felt (and continue to feel) is incredible and humbling.  We are abundantly blessed!  Like a broken record, the only thing I could think to say that night was 'Jesus, give me strength.'  Over and over and over.  And He did.. oh, He did!
Isaiah 40:29 'He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak..' 
People ask about the pain and I don't really have a good answer for them.  Turns out, it's true what they say about forgetting it all.  They wiped Owen off, set him on my stomach and I melted into a huge puddle of love.  Cheesy, I know.. but in that moment, I thought my heart would explode.  I still had a pretty tight grip on Derek's hand and if not for that I may have just floated away, that's how amazing it feels to see your son for the very first time!
God's timing is perfect and I'm so thankful He had his way with our week.  I'm so thankful for His hand on Owen's life and His incredible presence throughout his birth.  I'm blown away by my God and the miracle of life He has entrusted us with.  I have a whole slew of Owen stories, but those will have to wait till next time..
Psalm 18:29-31 '..with my God I can scale any wall.  As for God, His way is perfect.  All the LORD's promises prove true.  He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection.  For who is God except the LORD? Who but our God is a solid rock?  God arms me with strength; He has made my way safe.'
To God be the glory!!


  1. Your Dad says to tell you he isn't reading any more of your blogs :( (just joking) he says he can't take it any more. I was reading it out loud to him and having problems choking up so then he said "I'll read the rest...but he only made it for another couple paragraphs and then we both finished readying quietly on our own to the had us both blubbering all the way through...just getting to hear your emotions and remembering those same emotions as each of you were born. We always love seeing our children when they are holding their children for the first your explanation of how you could have floated away made perfect sense and we could just picture you having those eyes filled with love looking at Owen for the first time and just praising God that HE had entrusted this little one to you to love and care for. Wow! Isn't it all a wonderful miracle. We knew Derek would be a great coach and it sounds like he was perfect. Thank you Derek!!! I can't wait to see you in 2 days!!!!!!!!! Blessings until I see you all. Love Love Love you all Mom and Dad

  2. Dear Bethel, as usual, your blog was great, only you can make 'labor' sound like a wonderufl experience...the story teared me up, cheered me up and made us both so thankful that Owen is here, healthy and you and Derek are fine. You will be great parents, you are great people. Can't wait to see you all. Love Love
