We've been praying about this next step for awhile. I was keeping an open mind in case we found ourselves in another greenhouse. (Hey, anything is possible!) But, at the same time, I know nothing is impossible for my God and I had a few specific requests beyond a roof over our head. Wish list things; running water, a washing machine and a place to sit, cozy, in the mornings drinking coffee and talking with Jesus while the sun comes up. Oh, and somewhere for Derek to store all his

Our new accommodations do, indeed, have all the amenities of a 'civilized' house; comforts we've learned not to take for granted- a toilet, a shower, a sink. This house is beautiful, includes a washer and dryer AND gorgeous view, perfect for my early mornings! The owners have a keyboard that they're going to leave out for me to use; cherry on top! They also have a 'man cave' where Derek can store all his
Owen is fine with the move as long as we bring Kai, who he is currently obsessed with! I guess it's true about a boy and his dog.. this baby can't get enough of the pooch! He's also especially impressed by the color red and enjoys blowing bubbles almost as much as his mom!! Simple pleasures of life. This little man is growing faster than I ever thought possible. He is proudly sporting a few nine month outfits even though I keep reminding him that he's still a week away from the five month milestone! And after instructing him not to throw his rings off the porch... he threw the rings off the porch. Ready or not.. here comes Owen! :)
Between landscaping contracts and tree trimming/removal jobs, Derek's schedule is chock full!! It's incredible to have a front row seat to the flourishing of his business. My husband works so hard and God blesses so abundantly. I am incredibly proud and grateful and humbled by it all. On top of running a business.. or rather, two businesses, wrapping up a coffee harvest, repairing a wood chipper and about 37 other projects, Derek is an incredible daddy and husband. He loves us so well. He is a man after God's heart and I am honored to journey through this life with him.
We'll decorate for Christmas once we are settled. We did do a little Christmas shopping the other day, which is remarkable for several reasons. Neither Derek or Owen appreciate the fine art of browsing, wandering, dressing rooms and bargain racks. They are in, out, mission accomplished kind of men. Shopping is not on their list of leisure activities. But, this particular day, with vanilla lattes in hand, my boys and I shopped! We picked out stockings, browsed the ornaments and debated fake tree or real tree. Last year we didn't do much for decorations because we were unsure of how much longer we'd be on the island. But here we are, second Christmas in Hawaii and with a baby to boot.. we'll be decorating!
Yesterday morning Derek read to me from James 4, the part about not saying 'Tomorrow we'll go to this city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Because we really 'do not even know what will happen tomorrow.' And the clincher: 'What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.' (verses 13 and 14) We're learning to live in the present. Don't assume. Don't take for granted. Why lose today in the stress of tomorrow? Live, now! Cherish. Be thankful!! If life is a mist, then we can't afford to waste a single, fleeting moment caught up in worry or fear. Praying, searching, wondering about a new place to live; it was hard not to let worry or doubt take root. But God is always at work on our behalf and He orchestrates the details so beautifully.
We don't know what will happen tomorrow! All we have is the present. All I know is that God has provided! So I pack boxes and give thanks for all we've been blessed with. I stop to smell the rose on the table, kiss my sleeping baby. I stir the soup on the stove, thanking God for warm food on a rainy day, for a husband hard at work. Life may be a mist, but with my hand in His, surrendered, it's a beautiful, dewy mist that drips with anticipation of God's goodness. His lavish goodness in the midst of my mess. And I am thankful.
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” -James 1:17
I am so excited for you guys. Is this place down where we would walk???? Hope there will still be a nice place for you to walk/run each day...cause I know how much you love that. God is so good and is the perfect provider. He knows our needs much better than we do. Can't wait to see pictures of the new place and the cozy sitting place for your mornings. Enjoy every moment and praise God for every moment. Don't work too hard packing...take time to still enjoy your baby and hubby. Wish I was there to help you move. :( But I'm there with you in prayer. Love Love Love you Mom