Monday, December 2, 2013

Bags of gold!

It's a 'cold', rainy day that actually feels like December and I am loving it!!  My vanilla cookie candle is lit and I'm boxing up (and drinking) Pearl Kona Coffee.  I'm also processing the story I read to Owen before putting him down for a nap, the parable about the bags of gold.  This simple tale has really been cause for some soul searching this morning.  The story can be found in Matthew 25; the gist of it goes like this:
 A man is preparing to embark on a trip and wishes to leave some of his gold behind.  He calls in three servants and doles out the bags; five to one man, two to another and the last receives a single bag.  The first two set to work straight away, and by the time the master returns they are able to present to him the original bags plus gold they have earned.  Each having doubled what they were entrusted with, the master is extremely pleased and they are invited to 'Come and share your master's happiness!'  Party time!
The last servant, however, knowing that his boss is a hard man, went out and buried his gold.  'At least it will be kept safe underground', he reasons.  When, at last, it's his turn to report he hands over the single bag and says, 'I'm returning what is yours. I kept it safe while you were away.'  The master is furious.  'The least you could have done was invest the gold and let it gain a bit of interest!!'  This final servant's gold is taken from him and given to the one with the most bags while he himself is thrown outside.
Now, I'm sitting here attempting to identify and tally my bags of gold.  I'm wondering how I have been utilizing them?  Or have I simply buried my bags in the ground, afraid to take a chance with what the Master has given me..
My friends, we have ALL been given gold.  Jesus has entrusted each of us with precious treasure while He is away but His return is drawing near and we will ALL be called in to give account.  Oh, how I long to hear the words, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant.'
Now, I am a stay at home Mom.  I don't have a degree.  I've never been to Africa (but it is at the top of my list!) and I only speak one language, unless you count Babyese.  Yet we don't find the master in this story comparing the servant's single bag to the other's ten.  That is not the issue.  He simply took into account what that man had been given and then looked at what he did with it.  In the same way, my Master will not hold my life up next to Billy Graham or Mother Theresa and say 'Gee, I guess you really didn't do all that much...'  He will clear His desk of all else, look into my eyes and we will talk about what I did with what He gave ME.
There are countless ways to break this down.  I keep doing just that only to erase it as soon as my fingers come to a stop.  I think this is meant for individual interpretation.  Analyze the parable for yourself.  We all know which bag of gold we like to keep buried.  I pray that we will choose to put away our shovels and live instead with expectancy of our Master's return; investing ourselves, giving our all, utilizing time, gifts, and every moment we are given with the precious lives entrusted to us!!  May the Master return and say,  'You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.'

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