See, I do keep record. It is, for the most part, unintentional; a simple tallying throughout my days. I believe it's human nature. We feel that we are entitled to certain 'rights' and when those happen to be forgotten, violated or taken for granted, we take offence; filing away that discrepancy for future reference. For us parents it can be as simple as the number of times we got up with the baby during the night. Obviously, it was more than our significant other, which should guarantee our receiving that last cup of coffee. Or maybe it's the number of 'blow outs' changed on our watch.. I always win that round.
But Paul says that love keeps no record. Not a single tally mark?
What about the amount of time spent on various interests

That is the beauty of relationship and marriage, of nitty-gritty love. It's not fair and the numbers are off and we're all undeserving in countless areas but somehow love can override all of that. There can not be a score card for love. True Love laid down His life for us when we were at our worst. That's what is so breath taking about it all! 'But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.' Romans 5:8 There is nothing 50/50 about the grace that is freely offered or the sacrifice that was made in our place. That is love. That is freedom.
And to a back-slidden, rebellious people that have forgotten the One True God, a prophet gives THIS Valentine... 'Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.' Micah 7:18-19
If anyone has the right to keep record of wrongs, it's God. Yet He is the one hurling our mistakes into the depths of the sea. What a love. He has no score card. Jesus keeps no record of wrongs. And that makes me want to shout from the roof tops, THANK YOU JESUS!! 'For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save

And to the amazing husband who loves me even when I'm unlovable, Happy Valentine's Day! I don't deserve you, but I guess that's the whole point! We are called to imitate True Love and give without expecting anything in return; I see you live this out on a daily basis and I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am officially crumpling up these mental score cards and tally sheets and I pray that you readers will, too! May we commit to living life with deliberate, selfless love, regardless of who's 'turn' it is or whether we've had a single moment of free time today. This is the way of love, this is how we are called to live and this is the way that Love will set us free.

Happy Valentine's Day Sweet Bethel !!
ReplyDeleteYour message so true, again. Why is it that we always seem to keep those records. I don't think we purposely do it, it just you said we're human and that is what humans do. But we are called to a higher calling, to forgive and to forget. Often times easier said than done. But that is our goal. I love you sweet daughter and I know that Derek is also truly blessed by your sweet personality and your love shown daily to him and "little man". Love Love Love you Mom
Dear Bethel,
ReplyDeleteHappy Valentine's Day !!!
You expressed the essence of what this day should be---a celebration of the only perfectly unconditional Love. He is our Valentine set by the Father from Heaven , special delivery. He is the glue that holds us and the whole universe together. And we get to call Him friend. I'm so glad all my kids know Him and are experiencing that amazing , crazy love you talked about so beautifully.
Valentines Blessings and love,