But I've recently realized that if I tune in to that station before leaving the driveway, the connection will hold almost all the way to my part-time secretary job (or Target

But what if this applies to more than just a radio station preference? What if tuning in right at the beginning can really make such a noticeable difference in the entire ride? Could I set my alarm just a few minutes earlier? (Okay, I shouldn't actually let you assume that I set my alarm at all. I wake up when Owen starts knocking on the wall that separates our bedrooms, requesting 'Food! Oats!' Hitting the 'snooze' simply changes his tune to, 'MOOOOMM! WAKUP!') But what if I took time to actually prepare myself spiritually, mentally, physically (maybe even put deodorant on!) before the business of a new day began?
Our days are a beautiful kind of crazy. But the fact remains; when I'm not prepared for all that needs to be accomplished before nightfall, I'm going to be limping in at the end of the race. What if I refused to succumb to the attitude of 'Well, there's no time for my devotion again this morning..' falling back into what is 'easy' or static free but will ultimately leave me feeling even more depleted.
I know that you're busy, dear reader! We all are. It doesn't matter what different path we are each walking; it's human nature to fill our days chock full and then wonder why we're stressed out and exhausted. But we could start small. It can be simple! Maybe it's committing to a quick prayer before your feet hit the ground. Do some stretches while you brush your teeth. Read a chapter of the Bible while the coffee brews. Just a few forms of 'tuning in' that I've been trying to implement as I realize the substantial impact of these 'small' practices. Whatever form it may take, let's start tuning in..
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