Monday, June 24, 2013

'come away with me..'

Baby Pearl and I arrived at the 'full term' mile marker this week!!  I must admit, the occasion wasn't quite as monumental as anticipated.  I suppose I was braced for an immediate onslaught of contractions once we rounded that last bend of the pregnancy journey.  But, alas, he is still perfectly content in his womb cocoon.  And, of course, I do want him to reside there as long as possible; I'm just feeling very eager to meet this little man!
I continue to crave FRUIT but thanks to Derek's jobs, this is easy to remedy.  This week alone he brought home mangos, figs, a pineapple and some lilikoi!  He also brought home a jack fruit, which was quite the experience!  Apparently, it wasn't quite ripe enough and all we got out of it was a sticky sap that got all over everything, including Kai!  Poor pup even had it on his paws and we had to bust out the peanut butter to clean his fur.  I don't think he minded, though!  Plus, the pooch can sense that we are on the verge of a drastic change and he's been utilizing every excuse for extra attention.
Although 37 weeks feels surprisingly similar to all the other weeks we've gone through, it did initiate a strong dose of my friend, Mr. Nesting Instinct!  Our apartment is now sparkling in places that will never even see the light of day!  I've done several loads of baby laundry and decided this task may very well be my new favorite 'chore'.  Miniature clothes and world's softest blankets are an absolute pleasure to fold.  (No guarantees on whether this fondness will continue once cloth diapers are added to the mix...)  With the completion of our beautiful cradle from an 'Uncle' at church we are officially READY to welcome our son home.  Now we simply continue with life as normal until the little man decides it's time!
[ready for Baby!!]
As long as my weed whacker harness still fits around this baby belly I'll do what I can in the endless battle with coffee farm weeds.  As always, I love the empowering feeling that comes with the conquering of each row and each section of field.  Right now that conquering is actually an impressive feat.  It would be ridiculous to compare this week's weeds to those we first encountered here, BUT there are some as tall as me right now!  I even encountered a few of the thick, 'gnarly' ones that have to be pulled out by hand.
Of course it would be ideal if we did the whacking more often, keeping the weeds a bit tamer.  But that's not exactly first priority these days.  Derek's landscaping business is blossoming and we are amazed at the ways God continually provides!  Apart from selling the occasional bag of coffee, these landscaping jobs supply our income.  That means farm maintenance is squeezed into the schedule whenever the other work is done.  The weeds aren't going anywhere, so it's not a big deal, they just become a bit more of a challenge the longer we let them grow!
[37 weeks!!]
'Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.'  This verse from Revelation 3:20 is quite often used as a call to those who are lost; Jesus is knocking, let Him into your life!  But this verse was actually written to a church, a body of believers!!  The highlight of my week was being able to dig into this a bit more, via Song of Solomon, and that's what I want to leave you with.. a bit of my discovery!
Song of Solomon is a beautiful description of a king who is desperately in love and chasing after his soon-to-be bride.  He is wooing her, courting her and they eventually marry and enjoy a wonderful night together.  But then we read that he is coming to her in the morning, asking her to 'come away with him' (2:10).  'The rain is gone', it's a gorgeous day and he wants to spend it with her; he longs to see her smile, hear her laugh.  The king wants to show off all his favorite spots; climb mountains with her and swim in the ocean together!  This makes my heart race.  But the response of the bride is such a let down.  My interpretation of her words: 'You're mine and I'm yours and that's great, but it's way too early for such nonsense.  You go ahead.. I'll catch up later.'  (2:16-17)  Uh oh..
This is where the Revelation verse ties in.  We are the bride, we are those who can say with confidence 'I am my Beloved's and He is mine.'  Yet, so often Jesus is left outside the door, knocking, while we continue to live 'our' life in ways we deem best.  He calls to us 'Let me in, my love, I have much to show you!'  But our response is less than enthusiastic.
The study I'm reading through describes the bridegroom as coming to the bride with hair 'wet with dew' (5:2) because he's been out gathering the lost, loving on those that are dirty and broken.  He wants her to join with him in this incredible mission to save the world.  The bride's response leaves quite a bit to be desired, though- 'Oh, I just took off my robe.  Do I have to put it back on?  My feet are freshly washed, are you really asking me to dirty them?'  (5:3)
God is calling to me on a DAILY basis to come away with Him, to delve into all that He has to show me.  He longs for me to step into the specific roles He has already prepared for me, to partner with Him in changing the world.  The Spirit whispers to me 'Let go of your expectations for the day, I have much greater plans for us.. if only you'll let Me lead.'  May I recognize His call, fling the door open and respond with much greater enthusiasm than I have in the past.  May I realize that nothing else matters more!  I AM my Beloved's and He is mine; instead of taking that for granted, may this knowledge make me quick to answer as I hear the King calling 'Come away with me..'

Sunday, June 16, 2013

no where else we'd rather be..

This weekend my bestest friend married the love of her life... in Colorado.  The only downside to living on an island is that, unless we invest in a sailboat, flying remains the only option for traveling to the mainland.  At 36 weeks pregnant the airlines and my doctor were anything but keen on giving consent for the journey.  But, here's the ingenius part: I was still able to raise my glass of sparkling cider in a toast to marriage and love.  I ate wedding cake that was, let's be honest, just not as tasty as it looked.  And I blew bubbles and thanked God for two wonderful people committed to journeying through life together.  How did I pull it off, you may ask?!  Simple.  We attended a 50th anniversary party for a sweet couple in our church!
Of course, I still had high hopes of being magically transported to Elizabeth's wedding without going into labor.  But I was incredibly thankful that these events fell on the same day.  It may seem trivial, but I needed an excuse for sparkles and a cute dress!  God realizes the most intimate details of my heart and provided the perfect evening, complete with wonderful friends, a smoothie bar and fire dancers, to take my mind off of the celebration I was missing in Colorado.  It's mind boggling to realize the countless ways that the God of the universe is in tune with ME, pregnancy hormones and all!  I adore Him.
[what an Artist!!]
On that note, HAPPY FATHERS DAY, to my Papa God- Savior of my soul, Creator of the Milky Way, Painter of each and every sunset and Designer of the aardvark!  I will never be able to fathom how great He is or how truly incredible it is that He calls me His child [John 1:12].  Just this week I read in a study how we will 'explore the nooks and crannies of His Nature for all eternity.'  He is boundless and incomprehensible.  Yet, He is everywhere I look, closer than my own skin; He is constantly wooing, teaching and encouraging me.  I would, quite literally, be lost without Him.
I've also been blessed with an amazing earthly daddy.  He taught me to dream big, embrace my quirks and always look for the best in everyone.  Most importantly, he always pointed me to Jesus; I'll never be able to thank him enough for that.  And, although we still have approximately three and a half weeks till we meet our son, Derek is already an amazing dad.  He may be unsure of things like diaper changing, but he is eager to begin the journey of raising a son.  I know Derek will be an awesome example for our little man and there is no one I would rather share this enormous blessing and responsibility with.
[basketball belly!]
Our nursery is almost fully functional.  We organized all the amazing gifts we received at our shower and revised the list of 'baby essentials'.  Then we went on a shopping spree!!  Up until the shower we did an impressive job of holding back on purchases but the time had finally arrived to finish preparing for our son.  I was ecstatic and Derek... well, he had fun for the first 20 minutes.  Then the mattress pad covers and diaper rash creams started blurring together and he had to take an intermission/snack break.  We did a decent job of sticking to the list; minus a few 'must have' toys.  I say the nursery is 'almost' fully functioning, because the Target trip (plus two doctor appointments and a thousand other errands) completely depleted our energy supply and the changing table has yet to be assembled.
[sweet husband 'sorting' the shower gifts!]
Highlight of the week: redeeming my birthday present at a resort in town, a 55 minute massage!  Derek kept asking me for gift ideas and I continued to come up blank.  I felt bad for him, but now I'm thinking I'll leave him to his own devices more often because he did GOOD!  Perfect timing, too- as the weight of this watermelon sized baby is putting a significant pull on my lower back.  I really have no complaints, however.  This pregnancy has been amazingly smooth and relatively painless; I'm extremely thankful and hope and pray that will continue throughout the upcoming labor and delivery!
This blog began as a way to describe our wild coffee farming adventures.  The posts have, obviously, gone in a very different direction this year and I want to thank all of you readers for continuing to journey with me.  Not only is there a serious lack of coffee farm action to convey at this point, but our life is moving in other directions.  Derek is busy with landscaping and we're preparing to welcome the newest, sweetest member of our family.  God continues to teach us, growing our faith and putting us in situations that make us rely on Him completely.  No matter where Jesus leads or what tales I may have to relay, however, we know He is at work and there's no where else we'd rather be.  And yes, we do love Hawaii but by 'no where else we'd rather be', I actually mean this place of trusting God.  That's where we want to reside; regardless of scenery, occupation or achievements in this world.
'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight.' Proverbs 3:5-6

Monday, June 10, 2013

storms, unexpected poo, rainbows...

We're officially calling our little man 'Owen James'.  Of course there's a slight possibility that this handle will change once we meet him, but for now that's who he is.  Little Owen and I are 35 weeks and 5 days; can't believe that leaves just a little over four weeks in the pregnancy!  I'm still feeling great and continually thank God for the smooth sailing I've experienced these past nine months.  We've finished our prenatal class and officially 'know all there is to know'.  Just kidding, we're not completely disillusioned.
We realize there's no way to be fully prepared for all that is coming.  We can attend classes, read stacks of books, and do hours of research.. er.. blog reading.  But this little man will come when he wants to, be his very own, individual self and turn our worlds completely upside down and inside out!  While hanging out with friends last week Derek had a tiny taste of what is to come.. it included a naked baby and some unexpected poo!  Needless to say, this simply strengthened his resolve to be a 'diaper free Daddy' and kept me laughing hysterically for a good fifteen minutes!
Derek worked liked a maniac this week in order to free up our weekend for birthday celebrations!!  I'm afraid I wasn't very much help, apart from a little mowing and weeding.  But I did bake him a peanut butter chocolate pie and banana bread muffins; I think he approves of that arrangement.
We had an awesome time road tripping to the other side of the island; gorgeous day, great songs and I packed enough snacks for 15 people!  Our plan was to camp on the Hilo side for a night, maximizing the amount of exploring to be done.  But when we asked friends from that side to recommend a great spot they offered us the empty half of their house!  Now, don't get me wrong- I love camping!  But if this baby makes regular sleeping more difficult I can only imagine what his opinion would be about a night on the ground.  So, we were quick to accept their generous offer and even met up with them for delicious Japanese food and a tour of their favorite local spots.
I could write a novel about our fantastic birthday adventures but I'll keep it short and sweet.  A rainy afternoon made us resort to indoor activities; candy factory inspecting and a little shopping at the mall since Kona side is severely lacking in clothing stores.  We splurged on my all time favorite kind of cinnamon roll and went on a date to the movies.  The next day started off at a pancake house where Derek managed to notify them of the special occasion without my knowing; I was completely surprised by the server's rendition of 'Happy Birthday', the candle in my pancakes, and a homemade paper hat!
Our full day in Hilo was, thankfully, beautiful and sunny!  We went snorkeling, hung out with the biggest turtles we've EVER laid eyes on and enjoyed quality park time.  Derek and I love a good park and with the Kona side also lacking in that department we were pleasantly surprised with the wide selection in Hilo.  We ate our picnic by the water, threw the frisbee, napped in the grass and meandered down the paths, over the bridges and around the massive Banyan trees!  Venturing over to 'Coconut Island' had us excitedly discussing plans for the day when we might have our own island!  Kai, of course, was happy to accompany us and may or may not have done a little pond swimming on the sly... 
Back on 'our side' of the Big Island for my actual birthday, we were ready for more celebration!  Derek surprised me with breakfast at a lovely little creperie and then we were off to a baby shower!   Our amazing Hawaii family threw us a party that we'll never forget.  Derek and I were completely blown away by the incredible generosity, love and encouragement that was poured out on us.  Not to mention an absolutely beautiful day at a gorgeous location right on the water.  Coffee may have been our reason for moving out here but these incredible people are definitely the reason we've stayed.  The fellowship and involvement that we were so desperately lacking before has been found in abundance here and we can't imagine life without this 'ohana'.  The shower was a huge blessing and we actually feel ready for baby Owen to arrive, now.  The car seat is installed in the truck, the books are lined up on the night stand waiting to be read and I've started packing his diaper bag!  
I've had several 'rainbow spottings' this week.  Whether these moments actually included an arch in the sky or not, I've been continually stopped in my tracks by beautiful reminders of God's faithfulness, His promises.  Our life is about to change dramatically and we know there will be difficulties and storms.  But we hold fast to the promise of God's unfailing love, which will not be shaken.  As I begin a new year of life I'm eagerly anticipating all that God will do and the things He has in store for us.  I know there are lessons to be learned and these teaching sessions aren't usually a 'simple' process for me.  Yet, everywhere I look I discover reminders of God's goodness and love, the rainbows after the storm.  And so it is with confidence in my Savior that I begin this new year.  I'm filled with excitement; ready to embrace all that is to come: storms, unexpected poo, rainbows and everything in between!

'Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,' says the LORD, who has compassion on you. Isaiah 54:10

Monday, June 3, 2013

wading into the river..

It's fitting that our baby is the size of a large pineapple this week because that is exactly what I can't inhale enough of!  Well, actually, just fruits in general.  Thankfully, we live on an island abounding in delicious, tropical fruit and my sweet husband brings home a steady supply for the raving prego!  Our little man is growing at a steady pace.  At our last appointment he was positioned head down, with his butt pushed all to one side making for a lovely, obtuse shaped belly.  It's exciting to know that he's getting ready to make his grand entrance and my doctor and I were marveling at the miracle this process truly is.  Our baby has quite the journey ahead of him, I'll spare you the birth canal details; suffice it to say, he is perfectly designed to execute the mission.  And as I continue to learn more about the miraculous feat my body will perform during labor I am amazed to discover the ways God has intricately prepared me for this!  The details involved in pregnancy and birth are absolutely fascinating and I will not be told that it's 'just a coincidence'.
The little man is not the only one preparing for his big debut.  Several family members went together and bought us our crib and it is fully assembled and ready to go!  The room we will use as a 'nursery' still bears resemblance to a storage unit/coffee packaging facility.  But, it's a work in progress and, as of late, one of my favorite places to spend time.  Call me cheesy but I love to go in there and simply dream; folding his tiny, little man clothes and reading sweet bed time stories.  Derek and I talk about all the potential wrapped up in our pineapple-sized son; the places he'll go, the lives he'll touch and the amazing plans God has for him.  We know it is an honor to be parents and we are humbled by the task we have been given, our role in this new life.  On a less profound note, we're also anticipating the hilarity that will accompany life with a son and we have conversations about how burping should probably be frowned upon at the dinner table!
[34 -and a half- weeks!]
This week we received two handmade blankets in the mail, a quilted one from my Grandma and a knitted one from Derek's Grandma.  I know I can blame this on the hormones, but looking at these incredible treasures and realizing the heirlooms they will hopefully become makes me fairly emotional!  I say 'hopefully' because I am very aware of the fact that our son will, no doubt, be utilizing these beautiful gifts, from his great grandmothers, in the form of blanket forts, capes and things I can't even begin to imagine.
Clearly, I have baby on the brain.  But there are other happenings in our life.  We faced issue after issue at the coffee farm; every time we attempted to accomplish something in the fields there was a malfunction of some sort.  The ridiculousness was ALMOST comical.  The mower broke down, the rain was bound and determined to start up just as soon as we started working, empty gas tanks, both weed whackers having a melt down within minutes of each other.. you get the picture.  Regardless of our series of unfortunate events, we did manage to whack through one section of field, did some spring cleaning in the greenhouse and hung traps on the property to counteract the Borer Beetles.
I'm so thankful for my husband.  Although he's adamant that I take plenty of water breaks and never overexert myself, he also makes me feel useful.  While most people will no longer let me lift a finger, Derek knows I'm still very capable of most tasks.  So, I weed whack until he tells me to sit down and eat a snack.  He lets me mow at his landscaping jobs and then declares ice cream cones a necessity.  He knows that I need to feel needed and he goes out of his way to make this possible.  And when my muscles are sore and I'm feeling fragile, he takes over dinner preparation (which means we had steak!) and rubs my tired feet.  He brings me flowers and even sacrificed the last of his Doritos for me in a moment of desperate hunger.. and that, my friends, is love :)
[Yep, I'm married to THIS guy!!]
Derek had several landscaping jobs this week.  We're so thankful for work that we don't have to wait a whole year to be paid for :)  Coffee farming requires a lot of effort, time and money but doesn't exactly guarantee a steady income.  We wouldn't trade our time spent on the farm for anything but as our family expands we are really seeking God's will for the next step and where our focus should be.  It's incredible to see Him provide, literally, day by day.  Talk about a faith building experience!  It's also amazing to see people recognizing Derek's talents and abilities and we pray that this landscaping business will continue to blossom and grow!
We have big plans and incredible ideas for the future but we are constantly being reminded of the fact that we need to be faithful in the little things, good stewards of all that we've been given for THIS day.  Living this way keeps our faith strong and our priorities in line.  God is teaching us, molding us and, as we do our best to listen and obey, He is preparing us for the next step.
God really spoke to me through the story of Naaman this week.  Here's a quick version: (but you should really check out the story in 2 Kings 5)  Naaman is commander of the army, a brave and valiant soldier, who happens to be afflicted with a nasty skin disease.  Thanks to his wife's servant girl he learns of Elisha, a prophet in Israel that might be able to cure him.  Upon arriving at Elisha's house he is instructed to head down to the Jordan river and wash himself seven times.  He is told he will be cleansed and 'his flesh restored'.  But, this odd request was not at all what Naaman expected and it actually ticked him off.   He refused and 'went off in a rage'.  Thankfully, his servant talked some sense into him, reminding him that if the prophet had asked for some great show of strength and manliness he would have been quick to accept the challenge.  'How much more, then, when he tells you, 'Wash and be cleansed'!' the servant points out.  So, he relents and, after washing in the river, Naaman was completely healed, 'his flesh restored.. clean like that of a young boy.'
Now, thankfully, I don't have any flesh eating diseases.  But I do recognize myself in the attitude of this commander, blowing off tasks that may seem below me or just down right ridiculous!  I let myself become so caught up in grand plans to 'be all I can be', change the world, and 'be used by God' that I underestimate what God is doing in the day-by-day and seemingly insignificant tasks.  In missing these, or pushing them aside, I am also missing out on the reward, the blessing or, in Naaman's case, the healing that follows.  It is a journey, yes.  I know that I am made for great things and I don't need to squelch that knowledge, but I must be obedient and faithful in THIS moment.
And, for the record, it wasn't just a toe dunked in from the safety of the river bank.  Naaman had to go all the way in and the instructions were to 'wash yourself seven times'.  This was no sponge bath.  God will put obstacles, difficulties, and unknowns all along our path to teach us.  We may not always understand His teaching methods but when we've learned the lesson; when we finally wade into that not-so-pristine river, then He can lead us on to the next part of our journey.