Monday, April 29, 2013

He's in the couch business!

My God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19  He also goes above and beyond this meeting of needs, because of his great love!  He blesses us abundantly!  Our heavenly Father loves to give gifts- providing us with things we don't necessarily 'need'.  He is a wonderful God!  A generous God!  Since moving to Hawaii we've learned this countless times, yet we are still continually amazed as we see Him come through for us and do 'immeasurably MORE than all we ask or imagine.' [Ephesians 3:20]
The past year has required a significant re-defining of necessities and luxuries in our life.  We have a long way to go, but living without running water definitely helped put things in perspective.  Derek and I chose to live in the greenhouse, to 'rough it' for six months.  But we know that our primitive lifestyle would have still been considered extravagant by a majority of the world's population.  And that knowledge has changed the way we look at certain things.  For example: a couch!  There's certainly nothing wrong with having a couch, but it hasn't been high on our priority list this past year.  Of course, we looked into it several times.  But shopping for a used couch is tedious work.  Gaping rips and questionable stains are deal breakers.  Sacrificing the month's grocery and gas money on one isn't an option either.  So, we've 'made do' with chairs.  
Now, what if I told you that God had the perfect couch for us?!  Seems a little silly, huh?!  Is God in the couch business??  And what if I mentioned that it was without rips or stains, incredibly comfy and folds out into a bed!  Too good to be true, right?  AND (I know, I know.. this is getting ridiculous ) what if I said it was.. FREE!?  Okay, that's pushing it.  Or is it?  Because God totally did that this week!  Incredible, right?!  I think so!
Let's rewind a little bit.  Apparently, I worked my pregnant body a little too hard in the field this week..  Monday found us at the farm, weed whacking our way through an impressive amount of rows.  At lunch my back was achy and my stomach was protesting being strapped into the harness, but I was having WAY too much fun to call it a day.  Yes, there's a slight bit of exaggeration in that statement.  But the truth is, it's very empowering to accomplish so much out there and I love seeing such immediate progress.  In Derek's defence: he did tell me I could take a nap in the back of the truck, but that wasn't an option in my mind.  I spend my days telling people that I CAN still handle things and don't need to be babied.  My mind was made up: I wasn't clocking out till it was time to leave.
[A beautiful row of coffee!] 
That night we ate cheeseburgers outside and watched the sun sink behind the ocean.  It was the perfect end to a successful day and the next thing I knew, I was waking up!  Turns out I had exhausted myself to the point of barely finishing my dinner and I definitely didn't make it past the opening credits of our favorite show.  Needless to say, the next day I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a train.  Muscles were sore and stiff and my head was pounding.  I knew heading to the farm was out of the question for this prego.  Shuffling out from the bedroom proved to be about all I could handle that early in the day and I folded myself into a wicker chair in the living room and closed my eyes.
Derek said, later on, that seeing me like that had pushed him over the edge.  Finding me a couch had just been bumped up on his priority list!  In my pathetic and slightly dramatic state I was completely oblivious to his frenzied Craigslist search.  That is until he mentioned he had found one for free and then quickly squelched my assumption that it was a scam by showing me the email he's already received in response.  'Yes, this is for real and you can come pick it up right now!'  Something along those lines; that letter was the ONLY thing motivating me to get going that morning.  
It was a bit of a drive to the location but we deemed the trek 'worth it' and Derek knew that's about all I was capable of anyway.  I spent the trip with my chair reclined and sunglasses on- not knowing what a hangover feels like, but convinced I was experiencing the equivalent.  I googled 'headache while pregnant' and found it could be from over-exertion, dehydration, not enough rest, working in the heat, extra strain on muscles, etc.  Oh, sweet.. I hit it out of the ball park with a nice little combination of ALL OF THE ABOVE!  Note to self: listen to your pregnant body!
We arrived to find a sweet, little lady who manages rentals and simply ended up with an extra couch that the next renters don't need.  One cushion was a little worn, but it was clean, rip free and gloriously comfortable!  Right about then I started to count heads in the room and realized Derek's options for lifting buddy were a) pregnant wife or b) sweet, little lady!  But God was on top of this, too.  I'm not sure where this random man came from or how he ties into the story but he suddenly appeared and next thing I know- the couch is loaded up!
I LOVE our new couch.  I can not find the right words to express my utter delight every time I sit down on it!  Derek went back to the fields that afternoon and I, after washing all the cushion covers, curled up on that couch and let sleep, water and acetaminophen have their way with my bone weary body and splitting headache.  The next day I was good as new!  We headed to the land and started in another section of field.  I was significantly less hard core and, thankfully, didn't suffer any crippling side effects this time.  It's amazing that we used to be able to clear just a few rows in a day and now we can cruise through a few acres!  God is good and we love this jungle life.  How many people get to work outside all day?  
I'm not sure why, but having a couch motivated me to make our apartment a bit more 'homey' this week.  It's hard to decorate when most of our things are still packed away in boxes in Colorado, so we just haven't.  But with my 'nesting instinct' kicking in, I found a few frames on sale and had fun hanging pictures on the walls while Derek was away at landscaping jobs.
My favorite concoction from the kitchen this week: pancakes!  Neither Derek or I are really crazy about pancakes but I found a recipe that I had to try in my super-hero blender.  The ingredients: bananas, eggs, baking powder!  Simple as that!  I also threw in a scoop of peanut butter, because we add PB to almost everything in this house.  Then I added chocolate chips and strawberries while they were cooking and, let me tell you, they were awesome!  Derek said 'These are WAY better than regular pancakes!' and he couldn't believe they were just eggs and bananas.
I see lots of experimental baking in my future, though because I told Derek I wanted bananas and he delivered. Or, rather, God did- a massive bunch was sitting right in Derek's path as he forged through the jungle last week!  Usually you chop the whole tree down to get the bunch, but these had grown too heavy and took matters into their own hands.  I was certainly pleased.  Some wives want a man who brings home the bacon, but I'd rather have bananas :)  And now they're ALL ripe and begging to be used!
Moral of the story:: don't underestimate the Provider!!  Whether it's a couch or a bunch of bananas; He's on top of it!  Nothing is impossible for Him.  I see Jesus provide for us daily and yet I still have such a small idea of all the things my God is capable of.
[the bunch!  AFTER we'd eaten 10-15!]

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

learning to 'be'..

Last week I spent five hours chasing a one and a half year old around.  We blew bubbles and drew pictures- read here: I drew and she alternated between throwing crayons and attempting to eat them!  We went to the swings, we did laps on a scooter and then we did laps in a stroller.  We turned pots, pans and every type of kitchen utensil into a drum set.  We ate mountain apples and I tried to read her a book but she decided it would be more fun to throw that, too.  Then we repeated all this.. several times.  She was very sweet.  She also required my constant attention.  After she went home I realized I hadn't eaten lunch and, after scarfing down a bowl of cereal, I promptly fell asleep.. at 5PM.
This experience caused a bit of what I'm labeling 'pre-baby anxiety'.  If one afternoon was all it took to knock me out cold, how in the world will I handle being on duty 24/7?!  Thankfully, God met me in this place of fear and uncertainty, reminding me that I won't be giving birth to a toddler!  Yes, it will be a full time job and I will be pushed beyond my limits.  Exhaustion may become the new 'rested' and my days may seem slightly less 'productive'.  But the joy of walking (or, rather, racing!) through life with our beautiful son will be immeasurable and far outweigh any and all adjustments we make.  Derek and I will learn as we go, taking it one phase at a time.  When we first meet Baby Pearl he will most assuredly be opinionated but, thankfully, we'll have a little time before he starts walking and talking!  Each day will be a new challenge and God will give us strength for the individual moments.
Throughout my days I encounter countless occasions that prepare me for motherhood.  After spending the morning sweeping, vacuuming and mopping I sat down to enjoy my sparkling house only to witness Kai come through like a tornado, leaving muddy paw prints in his wake.  Hopefully the saying, 'it's the thought that counts' applies to cleaning, too?  But these things must be taken in stride and I can only imagine the train wrecks I will encounter with this wild baby growing in my belly.
[You don't stay mad at this guy for very long..]
Other reminders: a rainbow in the sky that made me stop what I was doing and just 'be'; to appreciate and soak up the beauty and God's goodness!  I was driving down the road and saw a bubble machine on the sidewalk, there was no one around and it was just blowing bubbles all over this empty parking lot and into the street.  I LOVED it!  The little things in life are the best and I will teach my son to cherish what usually goes unnoticed.  Actually, I'm sure he'll be the one pulling me over to examine a cocoon or climb a tree :)  I want him to know that God loves those moments and orchestrates them for us to enjoy- to forget our worries, abandon our fears and simply run through the sprinklers or gaze up at the stars.
We heard the little man's heartbeat at our check-up this week, galloping along at top speeds, he's healthy and growing right on track!  I'm also doing very well.  This was the week for a few tests to be done and I was nervous about all the blood drawing on the agenda.  (Bad experiences in high school..)  Thankfully my body is pumping out a lot more blood than it used to and, other than bruised arms, I'm no worse for the wear after three times under the needle.  Worse than any visit to the lab was a run-in with some angry wasps at the greenhouse!  I only came away with two bites, but they were on the same finger and it took several days for the itching and swelling to go down.  So much for spring cleaning at the farm!
[can't WAIT to start dressing 'Peanut'!]
My latest craving: cinnamon rolls!  And I woke up and made them, too- complete with cream cheese frosting!  Who knew that pregnancy would be my push to another level of culinary achievements?  Not so culinary but also high on my list of favorites these days are the Costco hotdogs!  Say what you will but they are tasty!  Costco is also the cheapest place to go on a date.. I almost feel bad every time we eat there, like we've ripped them off somehow.  Seriously, two slices of pizza, a hot dog and a drink for $5.60?!  You can't beat that.
Week 29 didn't bring too much new-ness to the pregnancy scene.  I have had stiff muscles and my sweet husband attempts to massages them in whichever awkward position I feel the need to lay in.  There's also been a few bouts of insomnia.  My mind decides it wants to operate at full steam starting at 4AM and returning to my dreams is next to impossible.  Not usually one to toss and turn, I'm realizing how my comfort level will continue to decrease in the next few months.  But a body pillow has been added to the shopping list and I'm hoping that will remedy the situation.
Derek's schedule has been chock-full of work and we are incredibly grateful.  He is such a hard worker and a man of many talents.  It makes me so proud to see people recognizing and utilizing those skills!  Needless to say, I'm very thankful for all he does to support our little family and brainstorm for the future.  I also can't complain when I get to ride along on a job that happens to be at the water front.  Derek works his magic on the yard while I read my book and watch the waves crash against the rocks five feet in front of me.
This weekend we were able to attend a phenomenal party.  A friend of ours is launching a 'one stop party shop' business for catering, entertainment, flower arrangements, etc.  This party was their debut and people came from all over to see what they're all about.  She figured the bigger and better it was, the more likely to stick in people's minds.  So she invited friends and family to fill up the venue and we had a great night full of laughter and music, fire dancing and delicious pig straight out of the Imu!
This week I did a lot of learning in the simplicity department; being aware of the beautiful moments happening around me.  We got a lot done and the days, as usual, flew by.  But there was so many sweet moments of just.. being.  One of my favorite things is sitting outside after dinner and witnessing the day come to a close.  Simply being in the presence of my Creator.. my Daddy, is the best part of the day.  Also, to BE with Derek, uninterrupted.. just talking out the day or sitting in silence while the sun sets, is incredible!  Thinking about raising a child has me re-focusing on these 'little things' and learning to be present despite that to-do list or a reminder on my phone.  I know that will be an enormous part of  'communication' with my son; words are important but actions say so much more than I realize.  That's how my Father is with me- always present and constantly desiring to be with me, teach me and walk with me through each day.  In a world of schedules and chaos and the need to feel productive, God's teaching me to simply 'be' and it is wonderful.

Monday, April 15, 2013

a baby bump, a business trip & words to live by

This week was a bit out of the ordinary.  Derek was away on a mini business trip, doing some investigative work into coffee decaffeination.  Long story short: there's a significant lack of decaf Kona coffee and we want to know why.  We've been doing our research the past few months and have created a small-scale operation in our own kitchen!  The guinea pigs, I mean.. our decaf-drinking FRIENDS from church :), have lovingly volunteered to drink it before bed and still slept soundly through the night!  Although we do realize this method is not exactly fool-proof, it is exciting and fuels our ideas for the future!  We would love to stay in Hawaii and make a living off coffee, but we've become very aware that simply farming it is not enough.  This business idea certainly has potential, but will require prayer, investigation and more prayer.
First step: a scouting trip to the Swiss Water Decaf Company in Vancouver.  Yes, I do mean Vancouver, Canada!  Of course I wanted to accompany him on this grand endeavour, but one ticket is significantly more affordable than two.  Plus, he promised to take me back in the future when we have more time for Canadian exploration.  The trip was a smashing success; Derek came back with an impressive amount of knowledge and ideas.  He was able to take a personal tour with the plant manager and pick his brain on everything except their 'top-secret patented formulas'.
He explored as much of the city as the train, his method of transportation, would allow.  A visit to Science World and an Arctic 3D movie in their IMAX theater made for an added bonus to the trip!  We both agree that travel, adventures and life in general are significantly more enjoyable when we're together.  Apparently it was a very quiet three days for Derek?!  Of course, I have no IDEA what that means!  But he did have a good trip.  The one thing I definitely don't regret missing out on was an intense, back-room interrogation at customs.  Apparently, my husband fit nicely into the 'suspicious' category since he was traveling alone, entering the country for only three days and had a noticeable lack of structured plans.  Thankfully, his story checked out and his detainment wasn't too excessive.
[baby bump!!]
My home-alone experience was quite pleasant.  Of course, I missed Derek terribly but I think it's healthy to miss each other at times, to be reminded of why we're crazy about each other!  The time actually flew by.  I tackled some 'spring cleaning', took more coffee to be roasted, ran errands, rented a few chick flicks and ate 'breakfast' for almost every single meal!  That may reveal a weakness of mine- extreme love for all breakfast foods.  But, I do believe there are considerably worse conditions!
Being reunited, even after just three days, was wonderful!  After living on hotel breakfast and subway sandwiches, Derek was excited to find home made lasagna and chocolate chip cookies awaiting him.  And I definitely slept better knowing that I was no longer the lone defender of the house.  (Kai thinks he's pretty tough, but he's got a long way to go if he's aiming for 'vicious guard dog'.)  Saturday was a great day, including a baseball game, another round of sun burn, coke slurpees and an avocado festival with friends!  Sunday was, as usual, my favorite day of the week.  Church was awesome, although I was slightly distracted since it was my debut as power point operator.  Derek usually mans that station, but I gave him the week off because it was his turn to lead Bible study.  He did awesome, by the way!
[third trimester here we go!]
The third trimester of pregnancy is treating me well so far!  I have been incredibly blessed throughout this whole time; I feel great!!  Our little man is fully formed and developed by now, he just needs to put on a few more pounds before we can meet him.  He blinks his eyelids, has his very own dreams and is constantly re-arranging positions and reminding me of his presence.  I need reminders, though- feeling as great as I do means that I occasionally forget to actually act pregnant.  Derek is always getting after me for lugging around mop buckets, etc.  Give me a few more months, though and I'm sure I'll be feeling it on a whole new and uncomfortable level.
This week I spent a lot of time reading the words of Jesus.  I'm in Matthew and chapters 5-7 have really captivated me.  As I absorb these words I feel myself swept away to that mountainside, my blanket spread out beneath me, my lunch forgotten, just taking in all the words that this man was speaking.  Some of his statements seem entirely backward; 'Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.'  'Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.'  And yet he says he didn't come to abolish that which we know, the Law and the Prophets, but to fulfill them?  He's radical, that's for sure- he takes things to a deeper level: you will be judged for murder, yes.. but you will, likewise, be judged for even thinking angry thoughts or calling someone a fool!  How do any of us measure up to that standard?  This Jesus talks about loving your enemies and he says to do good- but do it in secret so that you won't be praised for your deeds!  He goes on and on, up on that hillside, and as crazy as it sounds, I don't want to miss a single word.  He teaches a beautiful, simple way of life- not worrying about tomorrow, not striving for treasures on this earth.  But what does that mean for me??  He talks about a narrow gate that we must enter through, he says that on that road is life but he also says that few find it?!  One thing's for sure, we've certainly never heard anyone talk like this Jesus... and isn't he the carpenter's son?
I'm so thankful to have access to these words, to be able to read them freely and know that they are truth.  I really have no idea if my daydreaming reflects the actual thoughts of people hearing these words for the first time, but I'm sure they were curious.  Many wrote him off as a lunatic and a few believed that he was who he said he was!  But it's incredible to dig into the words he spoke, the way he loved and the life he lived.  It's inspiring and humbling; both a call to a higher standard of living and also an amazing covering of grace and freedom!  These three chapters blow any 'self-help book' right out of the water.  These words are truth and light; building blocks for a life reflecting Jesus- a life where we are less and he is more.  They are challenging and convicting; Jesus' words will change your life.  They've turned me inside out and I'm realizing that the deeper I dig the stronger my craving becomes!!  The more I learn of who Jesus is and the life he's called me to, the more I fall in love with my Savior!

Monday, April 8, 2013

mold me & make me

Just when we had polished off our last bit of Easter candy, a box arrived in the mail.  This was no ordinary package; it came bearing Robin Eggs, jelly beans, maternity tops and BABY CLOTHES!  Talk about being blessed!  Unfortunately, my sugar test is coming up and apparently it's frowned upon to go for the blood work right after inhaling a whole bag of Cadbury chocolate eggs!  Self control tactics 101, anyone?!  I've been packing the candy into Derek's lunchbox to thwart any unnecessary temptations.  And I've realized a great distraction is spreading out the little outfits 'Peanut' has acquired so far and feeling a new wave of giddiness about the arrival of our son!
We got to 'see' our little man again this week!!  I know we're slightly biased, but this kid is CUTE!  The reason for an extra ultrasound was a 'low lying placenta' that they spotted the first time.  Thankfully, it's moved up and shouldn't cause any problems come July.  We certainly didn't mind the bonus sneak peek and an additional strip of pictures to put on the wall!  At week 27 Baby Pearl is no longer measured 'crown to rump' but head to toe- making him a full 15 inches long!!  Derek can hear his speedy little heart beat when he puts his ear to my stomach.  Those two no longer have to resort to morse code, either; with his head to my expanding belly, Derek talks to our tiny son.  The responding kicks and punches can either send me into hysterical fits of laughter- this boy's timing is hilarious!  Or, depending on my emotional state, my eyes fill with tears as I realize how incredible and precious these moments are.
Speaking of things that are priceless, we got to talk with a lot of family this week.  Communication is a HUGE blessing and being able to catch up with those you love is an awesome encouragement!  It doesn't matter the form: a phone call, skype date or a hilarious texting conversation where I informed my brother of his role as labor coach in my latest dream where the baby came out in a giant egg?!  I also got to talk with a sweet friend who is in South Africa right now!  Blessing upon blessing.
Derek's keeping busy with landscaping jobs and our newest investment: a chainsaw!  He is, at the moment, 15ft high in a tree- cutting down huge branches!  I offered my assistance, but he was quick to veto that option and thankfully, found volunteers that are slightly more muscular and definitely less pregnant!  I'm in charge of sandwiches and drinks.. not a bad job, I suppose!  When my husband isn't busy with work, he's ready to go surfing.  This latest swell was one of the most impressive we've seen yet.  A whole day of playing videographer this weekend left me with quite the sunburn, but it was a great day and I even captured his back-flip dismount!!  Boys got skills..
I'm still lacking in tales of bizarre cravings.. although, I can easily eat fruit 24/7.  Thankfully, we live in Hawaii and that's not usually a problem.  What is an issue is when I eat pineapple until my tongue is raw but still want MORE!!  We've also had an excess of avocados lately.  I made an attempt at incorporating them into each meal, but in the end we just made (and froze) a huge batch of guacamole.  I know, I know.. if only you had our kind of 'problems'!  
Yesterday in church we had a moment of silence as we were preparing for communion.  While I was praying I just kept thinking the words 'mold me, make me..' and I couldn't decipher where they were stemming from.  As we started worshipping and one of the songs was "Change My Heart, Oh God" I realized this was certainly not random.  'You are the potter, I am the clay.  Mold me and make me- this is what I pray!'  Afterwords, I mentioned to Derek how that had popped into my head earlier and he said 'Oh yeah, because of our devotion!'  And I was thinking.. wait, what?!
We've been reading a daily devotion 'Jesus Calling' and it's absolutely incredible.. I highly recommend it!  Anyway, that morning I'd had a few things on my mind as it was my turn to lead the Bible study at church.  I had 'read' the devotion but, obviously, hadn't taken the time to fully grasp it!!  I was totally in awe as I went back to re-read it, 'I am the Potter; you are My clay... As you move through the turbulent stream with Me, let circumstances mold you into the one I desire you to be.' 
With each passing day I discover more of who God has created me to be.  I'm a flower, still unfolding my petals, going to new depths with Him as we conquer my fears and he reveals the strengths and gifts He's placed within me.  As we all know, the 'molding' is not always pleasant.. but it's for our own good and, more importantly, His glory!  There's a lot of unknown in our life right now, but it's exciting to know that God is orchestrating this time and THIS day.  It seems like an 'in-between' phase, and while that may be true and I know He is readying us for the next chapter, I can't lose sight of the fact that Jesus is constantly at work.  The Spirit is doing awesome things in our lives TODAY!  We were not put on this planet to simply pass time.  I am here for a reason and I need to remember that each day is an opportunity to be used by God, to discover more of His plan for me!  I am the clay that He is creating something beautiful out of. I need to remain pliable in His capable hands and trust that each step is important and vital for the end-product.  'Mold me and make me, this is what I pray.'
Isaiah 64:8  'Yet you, Lord, are our Father.  We are the clay, you are the potter.  We are all the work of your hand.'

Monday, April 1, 2013

jumping into 'spring'!

Although Hawaii doesn't offer the dramatic shift of seasons that we are accustomed to, we do feel a version of 'spring' arriving on the island.  The rain continues to soak the ground on a regular basis, the coffee trees are in full, gorgeous bloom and our garden is producing a whole new crop of lettuce, beans, peas, etc.  Granted, a garden in Hawaii can accomplish this at any point throughout the year, the difference is that we started a new garden at the apartment and can actually maintain it!  And by 'we', of course, you realize I mean Derek :)  My ground breaking abilities are less than professional and 'baby brain' seems to thwart my best attempts at remembering to do the watering.  I did, however, do some weeding last week and when it comes to picking and devouring the fresh produce I'm totally game!
There may not be any melting mountains of snow but we found plenty of ways to celebrate spring this week.  We had a beach barbecue with friends and took a 'tourist day' to explore more of the Big Island. A nice drive up the coast brought us to a gorgeous beach and some billion dollar mansions.  We stopped at a macadamia nut factory and took full advantage of the free samples!  Whale watching is a new favorite pass-time and I had Derek pulling off the road multiple times as we rounded the northern tip of the island.  He's very accommodating, as long as my request doesn't include any gasping.  There's so much beauty packed into this place and we are still FAR from having 'seen it all'.  It was a great day to get away, eat ice cream and do what we love: adventure!
When the rain would allow, we did get some work done at the coffee farm.  Remember my pruning stories from January; the sawing and the dragging and the piling?  Well, we were finally able to have the gigantic piles of branches mulched!  No more massive stacks of dead twigs lining the road.  All that was left to do was spread out the wood chips.  It's mind boggling to compare the farm to the state it was in last year at this time.  We've come a long way, by the grace of God and with a lot of comic relief!  While filling buckets with mulch and flinging it down the rows, Kai got us laughing pretty good.   He comes completely ALIVE when we're in the fields, constantly sprinting from one section to another; he's king of the farm!  At one point in the day he came barreling down the hill and ran straight up our pile of mulch, not realizing the other side was a drop off.  He shot off the top and had several impressive seconds of hang time before tumbling into the weeds and jetting off on the other side.  Needless to say, we had to take a momentary laugh-attack break.
Not only can our little man can hear the commotion on this side of the womb, but because of the brain-wave activity now happening, he can even respond!  Basically this just means that when Derek scares me really bad, 'Peanut' jumps, too!  And I'm sure he's VERY familiar with the sound of our laughter by now.  His eyes are open at this point, which I love to think about.  Basically, he's fully formed and has simply gone into the bulking up stage.  Weighing in at 2 pounds this week, he continues to pack more and more of a punch!  And there's no longer room for my belly button to remain tucked away, it's made a grand appearance and is even noticeable through most shirts!  Oi vey!
Speaking of tiny things: Derek got the cutest, miniature espresso maker I've EVER seen and it inspired me to try coffee for the first time in six and a half months!  I really had no idea if this coffee we're selling is any good, but now I can give it my full endorsement: Pearl Kona Coffee is the real deal!  Don't worry, though.. it was a one (okay, maybe two) cup thing.  This pregnant lady is sticking to water, water and water!  I'm fully confident in Derek's tasting skills and know that by the time I can drink coffee on a regular basis he will have perfected the art for me!
This weekend's plans were put on hold with another torrential downpour.  But we salvaged our Saturday by concocting chocolate pudding from avocados and going to the movies :)  Sunday was a beautiful day and we were able to go to a sunrise service in town and then head back to our church for a great time celebrating our RISEN LORD!!  It truly is the most exciting and crucial detail of history..  If Jesus didn't rise from the dead then all of this, my existence, everything he did.. is for nothing.  But, He DID rise!  He conquered death, sin and the devil!  'The LORD lives!  Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be my God, the Rock, my Savior!' 2 Samuel 22:47  Hallelujah!!  And here's what really gets me- the SAME Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in ME!  (Romans 8:11)  There is SO much power available, I can't even begin to grasp it!!
The fact that Jesus laid down His life for mine, a perfect sacrifice to pay my debt, is mind boggling.  That He made a way for me to be right with God, even though it cost Him everything, is unbelievably humbling.  And to know that He conquered, that He holds the keys of death and Hades (Revelation 1:18), is incredibly empowering!  I don't even have words to describe the knowing that His Spirit lives IN me, now!  All I know is that my life should look a LOT different than the lives of those without his Spirit.  That presence should be noticeable; people should be wondering what I have and how they can get it!  Derek put it this way, 'The evidence should be our lives!'  As we jump into 'spring' that is my heart's longing.. that my life would be unexplainable apart from the Spirit.  Jesus is ALIVE and my life should be a daily reflection of that amazing truth!