Monday, April 15, 2013

a baby bump, a business trip & words to live by

This week was a bit out of the ordinary.  Derek was away on a mini business trip, doing some investigative work into coffee decaffeination.  Long story short: there's a significant lack of decaf Kona coffee and we want to know why.  We've been doing our research the past few months and have created a small-scale operation in our own kitchen!  The guinea pigs, I mean.. our decaf-drinking FRIENDS from church :), have lovingly volunteered to drink it before bed and still slept soundly through the night!  Although we do realize this method is not exactly fool-proof, it is exciting and fuels our ideas for the future!  We would love to stay in Hawaii and make a living off coffee, but we've become very aware that simply farming it is not enough.  This business idea certainly has potential, but will require prayer, investigation and more prayer.
First step: a scouting trip to the Swiss Water Decaf Company in Vancouver.  Yes, I do mean Vancouver, Canada!  Of course I wanted to accompany him on this grand endeavour, but one ticket is significantly more affordable than two.  Plus, he promised to take me back in the future when we have more time for Canadian exploration.  The trip was a smashing success; Derek came back with an impressive amount of knowledge and ideas.  He was able to take a personal tour with the plant manager and pick his brain on everything except their 'top-secret patented formulas'.
He explored as much of the city as the train, his method of transportation, would allow.  A visit to Science World and an Arctic 3D movie in their IMAX theater made for an added bonus to the trip!  We both agree that travel, adventures and life in general are significantly more enjoyable when we're together.  Apparently it was a very quiet three days for Derek?!  Of course, I have no IDEA what that means!  But he did have a good trip.  The one thing I definitely don't regret missing out on was an intense, back-room interrogation at customs.  Apparently, my husband fit nicely into the 'suspicious' category since he was traveling alone, entering the country for only three days and had a noticeable lack of structured plans.  Thankfully, his story checked out and his detainment wasn't too excessive.
[baby bump!!]
My home-alone experience was quite pleasant.  Of course, I missed Derek terribly but I think it's healthy to miss each other at times, to be reminded of why we're crazy about each other!  The time actually flew by.  I tackled some 'spring cleaning', took more coffee to be roasted, ran errands, rented a few chick flicks and ate 'breakfast' for almost every single meal!  That may reveal a weakness of mine- extreme love for all breakfast foods.  But, I do believe there are considerably worse conditions!
Being reunited, even after just three days, was wonderful!  After living on hotel breakfast and subway sandwiches, Derek was excited to find home made lasagna and chocolate chip cookies awaiting him.  And I definitely slept better knowing that I was no longer the lone defender of the house.  (Kai thinks he's pretty tough, but he's got a long way to go if he's aiming for 'vicious guard dog'.)  Saturday was a great day, including a baseball game, another round of sun burn, coke slurpees and an avocado festival with friends!  Sunday was, as usual, my favorite day of the week.  Church was awesome, although I was slightly distracted since it was my debut as power point operator.  Derek usually mans that station, but I gave him the week off because it was his turn to lead Bible study.  He did awesome, by the way!
[third trimester here we go!]
The third trimester of pregnancy is treating me well so far!  I have been incredibly blessed throughout this whole time; I feel great!!  Our little man is fully formed and developed by now, he just needs to put on a few more pounds before we can meet him.  He blinks his eyelids, has his very own dreams and is constantly re-arranging positions and reminding me of his presence.  I need reminders, though- feeling as great as I do means that I occasionally forget to actually act pregnant.  Derek is always getting after me for lugging around mop buckets, etc.  Give me a few more months, though and I'm sure I'll be feeling it on a whole new and uncomfortable level.
This week I spent a lot of time reading the words of Jesus.  I'm in Matthew and chapters 5-7 have really captivated me.  As I absorb these words I feel myself swept away to that mountainside, my blanket spread out beneath me, my lunch forgotten, just taking in all the words that this man was speaking.  Some of his statements seem entirely backward; 'Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.'  'Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.'  And yet he says he didn't come to abolish that which we know, the Law and the Prophets, but to fulfill them?  He's radical, that's for sure- he takes things to a deeper level: you will be judged for murder, yes.. but you will, likewise, be judged for even thinking angry thoughts or calling someone a fool!  How do any of us measure up to that standard?  This Jesus talks about loving your enemies and he says to do good- but do it in secret so that you won't be praised for your deeds!  He goes on and on, up on that hillside, and as crazy as it sounds, I don't want to miss a single word.  He teaches a beautiful, simple way of life- not worrying about tomorrow, not striving for treasures on this earth.  But what does that mean for me??  He talks about a narrow gate that we must enter through, he says that on that road is life but he also says that few find it?!  One thing's for sure, we've certainly never heard anyone talk like this Jesus... and isn't he the carpenter's son?
I'm so thankful to have access to these words, to be able to read them freely and know that they are truth.  I really have no idea if my daydreaming reflects the actual thoughts of people hearing these words for the first time, but I'm sure they were curious.  Many wrote him off as a lunatic and a few believed that he was who he said he was!  But it's incredible to dig into the words he spoke, the way he loved and the life he lived.  It's inspiring and humbling; both a call to a higher standard of living and also an amazing covering of grace and freedom!  These three chapters blow any 'self-help book' right out of the water.  These words are truth and light; building blocks for a life reflecting Jesus- a life where we are less and he is more.  They are challenging and convicting; Jesus' words will change your life.  They've turned me inside out and I'm realizing that the deeper I dig the stronger my craving becomes!!  The more I learn of who Jesus is and the life he's called me to, the more I fall in love with my Savior!


  1. Sounds like both your week and Derek's were quite eventful and full of excitement. So glad for Derek's safe trip and learning some new things for possible decaf coffee production. I loved your description of the beatitudes in Matthew 5... I just started a Bible Study on Matthew and we too have been talking about that chapter a little in our intro to Matthew. I remember studying that in our Wisdom searches for homeschool. There is some awesome "meat" to digest there. Glad you continue to feel so good. Praise the Lord! That is truly a blessing...just talk to other pregnant women and you will know how much of a blessing it is. :) Well, have a great rest of your week. Love Love Love you Mom

  2. Thank you Bethel for helping me see the sermon on the mount from a whole new perspective. No man ever spake like this man! Glad to hear Derek's trip was a success and that he is back home with you, and that his Bible Study went good. Our prayers are being answered. Praise the Lord!
    Love Dad
