Thursday, December 3, 2015

Story for the Books!

We're calling it a story for the books... your birth story, that is. It really is fitting that your entrance into our world be grand and exceptional. Fitting because your time spent in the womb was very simple and uncomplicated. In the midst of life and multiple jobs, chasing your brother and moving our family across the ocean, your womb journey wasn't always front and center in my mind. That's not to say you weren't anxiously awaited, sweet son. But carrying you within me was blessedly 'easy' and did not require much out of the ordinary.
That's why I say it's fitting that you entered our lives with flare; fitting that the tale of our wild ride be told time and time again, my boy. You will leave your mark on this world, your journey will be remarkable and you will do things in a way that is unexpected. And it all begins with this story, this one that is truly 'for the books'......
The early morning hours of November 21 found me analyzing the repeated tightening of my belly and questioning whether or not I should let Derek head to work that morning. Once I got up and started moving around, however, I quickly realized that yes, this was the real deal and no, Derek could not go to work! In spite of feeling perfectly normal in between contractions, we didn't wait around too long. Owen's Nana came over 'for a party!' and Derek and I hit the road.
We had an hour and a half to drive which seemed completely reasonable when I originally chose that hospital. With contractions coming every 2-3 minutes, though.. I was starting to re-think that game plan. In between contractions I was reading different articles to Derek on 'how to deliver a baby in the car'. We were joking about it all and at the very same time we both knew it was a legitimate possibility.
By the time we reached the mountain pass, my contractions were one minute apart and lasting for a full minute. Derek kept me breathing through each one and let me squeeze all the blood out of his right hand, all while keeping his left hand firmly planted on the steering wheel as he discovered the maximum speed of his truck! I would have been an absolute train wreck if not for the calm of my husband and the comforting presence of Jesus which was unmistakable in that truck.
As we entered the city, but still had another 30 minutes to the hospital, I knew we weren't going to make it. I was ready to push that baby out! Derek reviewed the plan with me; first step was telling him when I couldn't wait a second longer so he could pull the truck over. (As I type this, I am once again blown away by my husband and thanking Jesus for equipping him with the strength and level headed-ness to make me feel safe throughout the entire journey!) Thankfully, Derek's mom happened to mention, 'If he's coming too fast, there's always the hospital on Nevada.' Even though we did not know the exact location of this hospital, we exited off the interstate as soon as Nevada became an option. Derek asked his phone to call that hospital but was connected to an ER in Reno, Nevada! Needless to say, Siri was officially fired after that, but at last we saw that sweet, blue 'H' sign!
Within five minutes of reaching the Emergency room and being wheeled into a curtained off area with a cot, our son entered the world. We literally made it without a minute to spare. It was chaos in that room; people everywhere, bright lights and noises and scrambling around. Apparently, they don't deliver babies in there on a regular basis! I asked the ER Dr. if I could push and he turned the question around on me, 'Umm... well, can you?!' (I'm willing to bet this will be a story in his book, too!) I had been praying all the way down the mountain and then it was show time; I was ready and our little man was born. All the chaos faded when they handed him to me. Just like that, I was hopelessly in love.
I can't tell you how nervous I had been about that part. I know, I know... the love for your other children doesn't decrease upon arrival of another. But I couldn't fathom how or why that was actually possible. I couldn't, that is, until this little man was in my arms; at that moment my heart could fully grasp this remarkable truth. Derek says my face took on a glow; a look that he had not seen throughout the pregnancy, a knowing that I could (and already did!) love this little boy with 100% of me. This discovery of new love felt like fireworks in my chest, it was wide open spaces and the freedom to embrace it all!
Daniel Wayne Pearl arrived at 8:00 A.M on the dot. He weighed 7.11 pounds and was 20 inches long. We didn't know those numbers right away, though, because they didn't have an infant scale in the ER. The room continued to swarm with nurses, doctors, paramedics and students all bustling around. The nurse that cut the umbilical cord accidentally cut the Dr. as well, adding to the excitement! Then I mentioned that, out of all the different levels of pain I had experienced that morning, my arm was killing me. Their investigation revealed a tourniquet that had not been removed after they put my IV in! Did I mention the chaos in that room? I was floating, though. My baby boy had arrived; he was healthy and sweet and snuggled against me, I had my husband's hand in mine and I was perfectly content. (At least until I mentioned that it might be time to deliver the placenta... 'Oh yes! I think you're right!' was the response.)
When it was clear that they couldn't do much more for us, Daniel and I were loaded into an ambulance and transported to the hospital we were originally headed for. Derek followed closely behind and we were met by a group of nurses and staff anxiously awaiting 'the story'. Apparently, we were the talk of TWO hospitals that morning. What a whirlwind. What an entrance our little man made. I love that his birth brought JOY and the hope of a new life to the ER, a place so familiar with tragedy, pain and sadness.
In the quiet after all the scrambling, Derek said I was still glowing; I'd just fallen in love again! And to top it all off, there was french toast on the room service menu! Owen came with his Nana and Papa after a few hours and finally met this long awaited 'Baby Brudder'. After the initial meet and greet, he was more interested in the remote control for my hospital bed. But Owen is warming up to the idea of having Danny stick around and he is well on his way to being an excellent big brother! I can only imagine all the stories I will add to my collection because of these two little men I have the privilege of calling my sons. Our family doesn't tend to do things in the normal way; this birth story is a perfect fit for our repertoire!
All glory to God for the safe birth of our precious son, for going before us (literally, as we flew down that mountain pass) and for His faithfulness in our lives. He makes all our stories worth telling; He is the orchestrator of all the details and we are nothing without Him!

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. Psalm 18:2

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1


  1. Aloha Bethel
    I loved your story and remember well the feeling of how can I ever love my second son as much as I loved my first. But soon was also handed my Andrew and then their was no doubt. There was enough love inside of me for both and so much more. Sure do miss you all. Give Owen a hug from Auntie Casey. Love, love, love you all

  2. Aloha Bethel
    I loved your story and remember well the feeling of how can I ever love my second son as much as I loved my first. But soon was also handed my Andrew and then their was no doubt. There was enough love inside of me for both and so much more. Sure do miss you all. Give Owen a hug from Auntie Casey. Love, love, love you all

  3. What a crazy ride!! You're right, you were surely a blessing in the E.R. God works it all together for good. I'm so glad for this sweet addition to your family.

  4. I loved your story and remember well the feeling of how can I ever love my second son as much as I loved my first. But soon was also handed my Andrew and then their was no doubt.

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