Thursday, June 5, 2014

One of THOSE days!

One bloody lip, two poopy diapers and three cups of coffee all before 9 am.  Yes, it's been one of THOSE days.  The sweet iced tea spills, sticky mess all over freshly mopped kitchen floors.  And tooth number seven is cutting through tender gums, making the little man understandably, unbelievably dramatic.  I've called the gas company twice and still haven't talked to a real person, grrrrr!  Crab walking boy makes a bee line for the dog food for the sixteenth time and my crock pot was plugged in but not cooking for the last four hours!?
But then I read the statistic, the one that would usually go in one ear and out the other.  But this time it resonates.  The one about food in my fridge, clothes on my back and a roof over head and am I really richer than 75% of the WORLD?  And then I have a moment of sweet silence and I read the words from Paul to the Philippians and he says he knows the secret to THOSE days, to any days!  To be content no matter the circumstances, to realize how blessed we really are.  In chapter four of his letter lies the answer, 'I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.'  Whether the day goes according to 'schedule' or not.  'I can do all things through him who gives me strength.'

I realize it truly is one of THOSE days.  A day with sun shining and flowers blooming.  There's a snuggly head still heavy with sleep and a homemade cheesecake just because.  A day where we have money to pay that frustrating gas bill and my hard working husband comes home and takes the sweet boy out to mow the lawn.  They laugh together, shirts off and in matching camouflage shorts, cutting a trail through the sea of green.  It's one of THOSE days where I'm so incredibly blessed and isn't that really every single day?
It's a day not really even about ME but completely about 'him who gives me strength.'  He's the key.  He gives me eyes to see and I'm floored by the new perspective.  When days are lived out through the strength that Jesus gives we can be content.  We can be filled with joy despite frustrations, tears and sticky floors.  Praise Jesus for THOSE days because they remind me of my desperate need for the Strength that not only makes this life do-able but breathtakingly beautiful!


  1. Oh my goodness! I love this picture of "little man". He looks so serious about life and really studying something. :) If we could all just keep your perspective on life we would all be a lot more content and happy and this world would be filled with lots more peace and happiness. So...true, our strength always comes from the Lord, whether the day is going wonderfully or we think we will never make it to the end of the day. It is always such a joy to know that God is our strength and refuge. I have been studying Psalm 25 and love the verse about "SHOW me Thy way oh Lord, TEACH me your paths. GUIDE me in Your truth and TEACH me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." If we could remember those great words: SHOW, TEACH, GUIDE me...our days would flow so much better because we would be focusing on the correct provider of all that we need. Love Love Love you Mom

  2. This is Dad. Happiness is a choice and "an inside job". When you have a Savior who gave His all for our salvation and a home in heaven, coping with sticky floors and utility bills is a piece of cake. It's all in your perspective. If we look at life through the eyes of Christ all the little irritations are just details. Thanks for reminding me of all of this with your blog. He is richly providing for all our needs. Even our trials are blessings in disguise. Love Dad
